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I closed my locker and sighed to myself, "pop star is back in town" Conan said to me as he leaned on the locker next to mine. "Does she need a break from her famous life or is she here to flirt with everyone and then ghost them?" I asked quirking my eye brow and he laughed. "You're just jealous you never got the opportunity to even allow me to ghost you" Billie said from behind me and I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her. "Wanna associate a color now that I have blue hair?" She asked with a smirk, "for your information if you even bothered to read my award winning paper that's not how it works" I said pushing past her and walking towards my classroom. I never understood why she was so against my term paper but she was and it annoyed the hell out of me. I was looking at my painting and trying to figure out how to blend it properly when I felt cold paint hit the side of my face, I shockingly turned to look at the person who splashed me and Billie was laughing while holding a pink covered pain brush. "Now your association is pink" Billie said and I took some paint from my cans and rubbed it on her face. "Now you're a ugly mixture like your personality" I said and she took her bucket and poured it over my head. I grabbed my bucket and poured it on her and then the teacher walked in. "Eilish and Divine to the office now!" She yelled and I hurried towards the door and so did Billie but she slipped half way causing me to laugh loudly.
We sat there cold and with dried paint on us while the principal tried to calm himself down from the anger he felt after we ruined his brand new couch. "Freshman year you two had a locker slamming contest that ended in ms Eilish breaking 3 fingers, sophomore year you two got your driving privileges on campus and lost them after you two decided to play bumper cars, junior year you two tried to drown each other in the schools fountain and now this? Both of you will be coming in tomorrow to clean that up and in the process clean the boys lockers out" he said and my face scrunched in disgust. "I have a interview tomorrow" Billie said, "should've thought about that before painting divine magenta, now both of you go home" he said madly and I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. "This is your fault" Billie whispered to me, "how is this my fault you're the one who splashed me first" I said before walking out of the school building.

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