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The darkness allowed me to be calm, it shut out all the overpowering colors and let me breathe for a moment. So when we kissed and it went dark it was calm because although I could feel her breathing it was dark and I didn't have to face the color blue. "You're yellow because you light up any room you walk into, it also reminds me of the stars" she whispered before opening the closet door. "Blue! At least when we're together you're the color blue" I said and she lightly smiled before walking out of the closet. I stayed there for a moment before walking out myself and looking around for my friends. "Hey what were you and Billie doing in the closet?" Conan asked, "we were just talking" I answered and he nodded and handed me a drink. The rest of the night was filled with alcohol and darkness because I wanted to shut out the color blue she was projecting onto my grey. "You're drunk we should get you home" I heard an almost echo from behind me, "no" I answered taking a drink from the table but it was snatched away from my hands and the person pulled me outside. We reached her car and she safely buckled me in before handing me some water, "sober up" she mumbled before walking to the drivers side of the car. I drank my water slowly as she drove, and it made me feel sick that her colors were turning so much but I believe it was due to the feelings she was experiencing as well. "I told you the color of love was blue, why am I blue?" She asked me, "I think you're smart enough to align that" I answered as I looked out the window. "You know we can't, I'm always busy and you have this weird thing where your colors change and I have horrible commitment issues so we can't" she rambled on. "Just because I have feelings for you doesn't mean I want to be with you billie" I answered. "And why not?" She asked me, "because of this! Because you confuse me and change my colors and paint me blue whenever you feel like it and then leave" I said. "I paint you blue? You paint me a fucking yellow and I hate it because this entire thing confuses me and the feelings confuse me even more" she said, "can you just understand that you are blue I am grey and that's all?" I asked her and she only sighed. "Can you please not tell anyone about this" she whispered as her car pulled into my driveway. "Don't worry pop star no one will find out you have feelings" I said getting out of her car and slamming the door. She drove away and the colors she produced were a purple blue because although she was blue to me she changed her color to red no matter the circumstances if it meant that I wasn't around. Her and her stupid baby blue.

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