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"Seems like your shit to resolve" I told the blue eyed girl. "I told her I loved her because I was going to hurt her if I didn't" she said, "you're hurting her now" the girl whispered. "Your shit" i whispered before walking to the back. There colors were colliding. In a non beautiful way. "You should be involved in this" Gia said, "I don't want to be involved" I said, "this is a three way connection so you should be involved" she said. "No this connection with me and Billie were something and now that's non existent, your connection is none of my business" I said, "she was your girlfriend before she was mine" she said. "I don't care" I said and as I was going to say something the boys walked off the stage. "Let's go out and explore before we leave?" Cal asked and I nodded. "Where are you guys going to go?" Gia asked, "Wherever they book us next" Micheal answered putting on his backpack. "You have school" Billie mumbled, "online" I answered casually before pulling the boys towards the door. I tried to avoid the pair who have been arguing since we went out to eat. They argued in the diner, in time square and in the middle of the city. I have tried to avoid this colliding colors because my colors were grey and I didn't want that to change. I took a deep breathe in when we finally arrived at the hotel. "Boys in one room girls in other" Cal said, "no I'll sleep with you guys" I said and the boys shook their head no.
It was awkward, it was quiet and there was only one bed. "I think Divine and I should have the bed" Billie said with a little smile. "You're the one in hot water, the one on the floor is you" Gia said tossing a pillow to the floor. "I agree" I said before getting under the covers. "Come on we all fit on it" Billie said as Gia turned off the light and laid down. We both ignored Billie and she drifted asleep. Gia and I both laid in bed wide awake. "I'm sorry she hurt you" I mumbled, "I'm sorry we hurt you" She whispered. The silence was making the colors act up and I frustratingly ran my hand through my hair. "I read your paper, the colors" she said, "yea" I mumbled. "I can make them disappear" she said and before I could speak she connected our lips.

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