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"Oh come on the poor guy got you flowers and you yacked on his leg" Billie said laughing, "he took me to eat sushi what did he expect?" I asked and she chuckled. "I felt powerful when I got accepted here you know?" I asked admiring the view. "You've always been powerful, it's your world and we're just living in it" she said with a little smile. "I want to accomplish so many things, just like you miss 6 Grammys" I said shoving her and she smiled. "You've always been an overachiever" she said leaning back on the sofa. "Yea, what a plot twist you were" I said looking at her and she smirked and slowly the colors collided and she learned in slowly cupping my face. "We can't" I mumbled against her lips and she just nodded and stood that position for a while before things got awkward and she put on her jacket quickly. And rushed towards the door as she opened it it jammed and she laughed lightly before shaking the door again. "It's stuck" she mumbled quietly and I walked over to her and shook the door and it was seriously jammed. I awkwardly dialed my friends number and he answered tiredly. "Come open my door" I mumbled into the phone. "In the morning" is all he said before hanging up. I tried to call many times but I didn't get a response. "I'm so sorry" I said as I fixed a bed for billie on the floor. "Div we shared a bed a million times I'm sure we can lay together without it being awkward" she said getting under my covers and I nodded before shutting off the lights and laying down next to her. The only lights in the room were the city lights and for a city that never sleeps it was extremely quiet or it could be the fact that her raging blue was overwhelming me. "We never got to talk about the color theory" she whispered and I turned to look at her. "It's not the time" I whispered. "When is?" She asks, "when the blue isn't there" I whispered and she sighed. "Whenever you're ready I'm here for you to paint me any color you want" she mumbled before turning over to face the wall. And that was it. That was the moment when I figured out why the blue overwhelmed me and why her skin felt like it was burning me.

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