Memories Arent Always Bad

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Your pov:

"Well, when I was a kid I had some tragic things happen and some really good things. When I was 1-5 I don't remember much but I remembered that my Husky died, that's why I wanted Pluto because he reminded me of my old dog Milo. When I became 15 my dad got shot, and sadly passed, I didn't know him that much, but know that my father figure passed away killed me. When I was 16 my mother passed away so I was sent to an orphanage, and that sucked ass and I never got adopted, so when I was 16 me and a boy snuck out, and that boy was Chris. He really is my partner in crime. But yea, now I'm here with you sitting on this couch in this huge house all alone with you." 

Sab sat up on the couch and looked at me. "Where was the happy parts?" "When I met Chris, and when I met you guys." I smiled and so did Sab. I held out my arms and she jumped on top of me.

I pulled up tiktok on my phone and I was scrolling for a while until I seen this video on tiktok room. It was a video of me beating Logan.  All the of comments were "Oh my good y/n is violent, cancel her!" Or "Beat her ass y/n!" I commented "Please take this down." A few minutes later I got a text from the same people that posted it saying they took it down.

I didn't really feel bad because I'm used to violence. Logan didn't know how to fight at all, she was all talk and no fight.

After a few minutes Sab fell asleep, so I decided I would too. That was like our second nap of the day. I'm really a player. I dated Anna, kissed Eva, and I kissed Sab and now I'm kind of falling for her. All these girls were special to me.

After we woke up from the nap we watched a movie. I was confused on why she was flirting with me and kissing me because she was dating Cooper. I mean I didn't mind, but I don't want to be a homewrecker, so I decided to ask.

"Sab, aren't you dating Cooper?" "No...he cheated on me at a party.." "oh..I'm sorry" she shrugged her shoulders and laid back down on top of me. We didn't do anything practically that whole day.

Sabs pov:

I guess y/n wasn't really the talkative type. She's more of a quiet cuddler. I didn't mind. I wanted to do something else other then watch movies all day, so I stood up and look at y/n.

"Come on her up" "where?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face. "We are going to go on a dinner date." Y/n got up off the couch and picked me up.

She ran out to the car and placed me in the passenger seat. She ran over to the drivers side and got in. "So where are we going my lady?" I laughed and grabbed her hand because she held it out "Saddle ranch!" She started the car and drove to saddle ranch. She had her hand on my thigh and would occasionally move it up.

We arrived at saddle ranch and some of the sway boys where there. On a Monday?! We sat next to them and ordered food.

Jaden: "So we seen you beat the shit out of someone" Jaden said with a mouth full of steak.
Blake: "Yea, yea! We seen that. Who was it?" They all really wanted to know.
Quinton: "That was fucking hilarious, and Conner and I had to pull you off."
Y/n: "Ok, calm down, calm down. First of I only beat the shit out of her because she slapped Anna. Two it was Anna's girlfriend, and her name is Logan. Three it was kind of funny" y/n bursted up laughing because she couldn't hold back.

I rested my head on her shoulder and she kissed the top of my head. She held my hand and continued to talk to the boys.

Quinton: "So, you and Sab?"
Sab: "We aren't dating..just really close friends" y/n nodded her head.
Jaden: "Didn't you and Anna get back together though?"
Y/n: "No, after she cheated I still loved her and I was willing to give her another chance. We were going fine until I learned she was dating this Logan chick. We were all fine a week ago, but I guess this is now life works..."
Bryce: "Oh.."

The waiter comes out with the food and Y/n and I start eating. She ordered a drink with her food, so I would be driving home. The boys had talk about inviting us over, well y/n, to have a few drinks and she agreed.

When we arrived they had a bunch of beer and white claw.

Your pov:

I was having a really fun time until Cooper came. I found Sab sitting on the couch and I pulled Sab up and brought her to the kitchen and put her onto the countertop. I went between her legs and look into her eyes.

At this time Cooper was looking at us on the counter. Jaden, Quinton, and Josh where watching us too.
You: "I had a fun time tonight, but why don't we go home?" Jaden came running us to us.
Jaden: "Can you please stay a little longer? We are just about to start the party!" I looked at Sab then looked back at Jaden
You: "Alright, well stay."
Jaden: "HELL YEA! WHOOO!" Jaden hands me a bottle of blue UV.

I drink that whole bottle of UV and I was wasted. I was slurring my words and I was stumbling. Sab stayed by me the whole time. It was probably around 3 am, and she got me into the car.

She was driving home and I couldn't stop looking at her. "You look so hot right now Sab" she giggled and looked at me "Your drunk y/n you-" I cut her off by kissing her. She pulled away and smiled "no we can't your drunk" "Uh huh" I sat back in my seat and she drove home.

She helped me into her room, and onto the bed. She wore the same thing as last night, a black laced bra and pink silk pants. She laid on top of me.

"Sab.." "what?" I started to scratch her back and she hinched her breath. "I love you and thank you for talking care of me." "Mhm, I love you too y/n"

I was rubbing on her back and I unstrapped her bra. I started scratching her back again. I flipped her over so I was on top. I started to kiss her neck and leave hickeys. I found her sweet spot and she let out moans. I made a really dark hickey right on the side of her neck.

I started to move down by her boobs. "Y/n" "Mhm?" I could feel her her shivers when I said mhm. "Your intoxicated, this would be talking advantage of you."  I stoped and looked up at her. "Ok fine.."

I stood up, and she grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?" "I'm taking of my sweatshirt, it gets hot in here at night" I laugh take off my sweatshirt and sweatpants. Now I was only in my sports bra and boxers.

I jumped onto the bed and Sab already latched her bra back together. I cuddled up to her and I fell asleep.

End of chapter twenty one!
                      Word count: 1300

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