People Like Us

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Your pov:

After we got Sab to fall we went after Lauren and Mason.

They had already gotten Karina down, so there was only three.

Once we got up to them I charged, and they were so focused on Eva and Connor, we pushed her off with ease.

I looked at the last two that remained.

You: "Well look what the cat dragged in."
Eva: "Ha, are you ready to go down?"
Anna: "Sure, wait is that a whole cooler full of grape koolaid?" Eva turned around and I charged towards her. A few seconds later Eva is flying off of Connors shoulders. She came out of the water wiping her eyes.
Eva: "That not fair!"
You: "I think it is, we won." I walked to the stairs of the pool, and the crowd that was around us has now left. I think my managers told them to go.

Anyways, I got out of the pool and I set Anna on the ground. When I was setting her down I put my hand around her waist. I took my hand off and blushed.

Oh shit here we go again.

I looked at everyone and the were getting out of the pool too.

You: "Do you guys want to go in the hot tub for a bit?" Everyone looked at me and shrugged their shoulders.

I got in first.

Next was Anna, and she sat by me.

Then it was Lauren and she sat on the other side of me.

Then it was Mason, and he said next to Lauren.

Then the two couples got in sitting next to each other or on each other.

Anna rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.

Sab: "So should we play a game or something?"
Connor: "Like what?"
Cooper: "Classic game of truth or dare maybe?"
You: "Alright I'm down but no kid shit. Whose starting?"
Eva: "I'll start, Sab, truth or dare?"
Sab: "Truth."
Eva: "How much time a week do you and Cooper have sex." I held in my laughter, and I could tell Anna was too. Sab and coopers faces turned red.
Sab: "Like 2 times a week."
You: "Holy shit." I laughed and everyone looked at me.
Eva: "And you probably get way more."
You: "Your right..but I don't sleep with them, I don't sleep around."
Sab: "Alright then, ah Lauren truth or dare."
Lauren: "Dare." Sab thought for a second, looked at me, and then looked back at Lauren.
Sab: "I dare you to make out with y/n." Lauren stood up and looked at me.
Lauren: "Come on sexy, show me what you got."

I stood up, and without hesitation Lauren connected our lips. It was very very sloppy at first, but then we cleaned it up.

I put my hands on her waist, and she put her around my neck. She pulled away when she needed air.

We put out for heads together.

You: "That was hot." We laugh and I sat down. Anna didn't put her head back in my shoulder, but I put my arm around her pulling her into me. "You ok Boonie?" I whispered into her ear. I put my one hand on her thigh, and she got the shivers. She nodded her head and laid it down on me again.
Lauren: "So my turn?"
Eva: "Yeah."
Lauren: "Y/n truth or dare?"
You: "Can I do both?"
Lauren: "I mean, sure."
You: "Okay, ask a truth first."
Lauren: "Ok what's your body count?" I thought for a second.

Cole, Anna, Sab, Lilly, a fan named Jake, and a fan named Taylor.

You: "six"
Karina: "Not as bad as i thought."
You: "I told I don't sleep around that much. It was only Cole, Anna, Sab, A fan named Jake, and another fan named Taylor. So now what's my dare?"
Eva: "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Anna, in a closet or a bathroom, well come get you when time is up."

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