Doing It For You

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Your pov:

When I woke up that morning I couldn't remember where I was, but a few seconds later I did. I remembered last night, how I drank, how Anna left, and how the boys and I where going to quit drinking together.

I got up from the couch and I put the blanket away.

I went to Jaden room first to wake him up.

Surprisingly he was already wake.

Jaden: "Good morning y/l/n, you ready for the day?"
You: "Yeah I am, let's go wake up the other boys."
Jaden: "Alright, we should do this early."
You: "Agreed."

We went to everyone's room and woke some of them up. Like three of the boys including, Quinton, Bryce, and Griffin were already awake.

We all went downstairs and carried all of the alcohol outside. Everyone grabbed a tub and a couple boxes of alcohol.

Bryce: "Are you guys ready?"
You: "Yeah.."
Griffin: "Alright..Let's do this"
Blake: "3.."
Josh: "2.."
Quinton: "1.."

We all started to dump out the alcohol in one tub and putting the cans in another. I took a picture when I was done and posted it.

You post:

Caption: The boys and I are going clean

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Caption: The boys and I are going clean.

I'm trying to make myself a better person for everyone around me, especially my girlfriend.

Last night I made a promise that I didn't keep, and now I know I need to get better. Alcohol has been an addiction of mine for years.

I started drinking because my ex boyfriend died and I went into depression. After I met the Not A Content House girls I stoped drinking for a little bit. Alcohol was my way out of reality and I never noticed how much people I was hurting. When i disappeared with Chris, we went to Florida and we both drank every night.

Now I'm back and Im wanting to become a better person, and if you have an unhealthy addiction like I did you should think about quitting too.

@vinniehacker: we are family, we do it together 🤝
^@y/n11: i love you guys.^
@jxdn: together <3
@evacudmore: proud of you <3
^liked by creator^
@hotcheetos: whoes ur gf?
^@y/n11: Anna Shumate^
@bakedchris: proud of you and the boys, I'll be quitting soon
Load more comments

We all go inside and grab a Ani energy. I noticed that Anna haven't even liked or commented on my post.

Bryce: "To a new life!" We all clink our drinks together and drink them.

We talked for a solid hour and I decided I should go home.

When I arrived I heard music coming from the back of the house by the pool. I went inside and I seen all the girls in the pool.

I went outside by them and none of them noticed I was there until like ten minutes later.

Eva: "I wonder where y/n is" she turned around and seen me sitting on a chair. "Y/n!" She got out of the pool and came up by me.
You: "Hey Eva." All of the other girls came out of the pool and stood by me. "Where are the boys?"
Sab: "I think they went to Chris's new house"
You: "Oh shit, that's right he bought a house." Anna hasn't said to me yet, not a hey or anything. "Anna, can we talk?"
Anna: "What do you want."
You: "You, I want Anna Shumate"
Cynthia: "Maybe you should talk to her Anna."
Anna: "If she wants to say anything, she can say it here."
You: "I'm sorry for all the pain I cost you. I wish I was perfect, but I'm not. I really do love you with everything I have. I hate seeing you hurt because of me bubba. I don't want to lose you because if I did I'd be losing a part of me." I walked up to her and grabbed her hands "No other female or male could ever replace your spot in my heart. I'm trying to change for you, for us to work. Your the one I see in my future, your the one I want to marry, your the one I want to have a family with. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise last night, but will you please forgive me?" I stared straight into Anna's eyes and I could see a little tear form. She pulled me in by my waist and hugged me. I hugged her back and I heard her sniffle.

I kissed her head a pulled away from the kiss.
You: "So do you forgive me"
Anna: "Yes, I forgive you baby" I picked Anna up ans she wrapped her legs around my waist. I walked towards the door. I turned around just before I was going to walk in.
You: "Be back down in a hour or two, dont come inside, unless...uh yea." I walked inside and Anna started kissing my neck.

I walked up to her bedroom and I locked the door. I laid back on her bed.

Anna straddled my waits and I pulled her down by the shirt collar leaving her plant a rough kiss on my lips. It was rough by passionate.

I messed around with the back of Anna's swim suit until it came undone. She pulled away from our kiss and took off my shirt.

She stared to leave hickeys all on my neck. She moved down from my neck to my boobs. I let out little moans. Anna made it down to the waist line of my pants and looked up at me, I nodded my head and she proceeded to take off my pants.

She started kissing my inner thigh and rubbing my clit with her thumb threw my underwear. I was so wet. This time I wanted Anna to take the lead to switch it up.

She took off my underwear, and rubbed circles around my hole. She came up and kissed me, when she did she slid in one finger. I moaned into our kiss and she smiled.

She thrusted another finger into me and I moaned again. I was about to reach my climax, but then Anna took her fingers out. She laid down on her stomach and slipped her tongue in. She moved it around for a little bit until I came in her mouth.

She cleaned me up and flopped onto the bed. I pulled her naked body in closer to me and I started to make shapes on her stomach. "Anna?" "Yes" "I love you" "I love you too.."

I stood up and I grabbed our clothes. I threw her a over sized t-shirt so she wouldn't just have swimming bottoms on.

After I changed I laid on the bed next to her.

We turned on Home Alone and a few minutes into the movie I fell asleep.

End of chapter 32!
Word count: 1152

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