Chapter 4 - Ultron

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"You're all killers

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"You're all killers." the voice continued.

Behind the Avengers, in front of a decor wall, stood a robot. It looked weakly put together, just a mess of wires, metal, and strings. It had parts of the Iron Legion build into its body, and it looked familiar with the protection suits Alyssa's father had built.

"Stark?" Steve asked, not tearing his eyes from the hobbling robot.


"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream...oh and that terrible noise. I was tangled in...hmm...strings." the robot turned to get a better look at himself, and the strings hanging from his metal limbs.

"Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." the robot, whose name was still unknown, said.

"You killed someone?" Steve asked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call, but down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." the robot responded.

"Who sent you?" Thor asked.

The robot didn't reply. Instead, an audio record could be heard; and it was a voice everyone in the room knew very well. 'I see a suit of armor around our world' the voice played.

Tony's voice.

Alyssa sent a confused glance toward her father before giving her attention back to the mechanical creep in front of her.

"Ultron." Bruce declared.

"In the flesh. Or no, not yet. Not this chrysalis...but I'm ready." Ultron said.

Now everyone slowly began to feel suspicious. Maria held her gun ready and the others also tensed slightly; going into their fighting positions.

"I have a mission." Ultron continued.

"What mission?" Natasha asked.

I don't think I wanna know.

"Peace in our time."

As soon as the speech was finished, another three robots of the Iron Legion shot through the wall.

Yep, I definitely didn't wanna know.

Steve kicked up the table in an attempt to shield him and Alyssa, but failed as they both got blown back.

"You okay, Ally?" Steve asked as he scrambled up again.

"Never better." Alyssa sighed.

Tony and Rhodey tried to run to their suits, but Tony got blasted into a bookshelf and Rhodey got blasted toward the windows which shattered as he fell to the floor below.

Alyssa frantically looked for any sort of weapon, since she didn't bring any guns, and decided to steady herself with a wine bottle that stood on the table. Just then, a robot shot in her direction.

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