Chapter 11 - Sandwiches

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After the encounter with Vision, Steve ordered everyone to start making progress in finding Ultron

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After the encounter with Vision, Steve ordered everyone to start making progress in finding Ultron. He, Thor, and Vision searched the net, hoping to find any clues from the past that Ultron may have accidentally left behind. Tony and Bruce once more retreated to the lab, using some of their advanced tech to try and find the robot and Clint continued searching the analog way.

The twins were unfamiliar with the tower and its technology, so they mostly kept to themselves, perched on the living room sofa as Pietro combed through Wanda's hair with his fingers.

Alyssa tried to contact Natasha in some kind of way, but soon realized that the spy had no way of replying. Frustrated that she couldn't help, Alyssa moved to the kitchen, making snacks and small meals for her teammates. None of them had eaten since the fight in Seoul, and Alyssa knew that they would function better if they had some food in their stomachs.

She was just making some sandwiches that she would hand out when someone entered the kitchen.

"Oh, I didn't think someone would be in here." said the heavily accented voice of Pietro as he awkwardly put his hands in his pockets.

Alyssa looked up at the blonde-haired man for a moment before focusing on the sandwiches again. "Why? We live here after all." she said, biting her inner cheek as she placed some salad on the bread.

"Right. My bad then, I guess." he corrected, smiling ironically as he leaned against the kitchen island.

It was silent then. Alyssa expected him to leave but Pietro never budged. Instead, he watched her work, his eyes following her hands as she grabbed more ingredients.

Alyssa sighed, slightly annoyed, when she felt his stare and turned around. "Is there something you want?" she asked, her brows furrowed.

Pietro took his hands out of his pockets and crossed his arms, and Alyssa had to keep her eyes from flitting to his biceps.

"I was looking for some food. I don't suppose you could make me some of those sandwiches, right?" he said, ogling the sandwiches laid out on the counter.

"These are for the others. You can make some for yourself. After all, you're a big boy, right?" Alyssa teased, shooting him a sarcastic grin.

"Very funny. Really, hilarious. Never would have known you're Starks daughter." he countered, his eyes narrowing.

Alyssa cringed as the accusation rolled off his tongue. She sighed as she propped herself up on the counter with her arms, her back to Pietro.

"Look, Sonic, I don't know what happened but me and my dad are kind of-" Alyssa got cut off by him as he pushed himself off the counter and took a step towards her. She turned around, and came face to face with the speedster.

"Your father killed almost my entire family. One of his bombs rolled into the living room and just like that my parents were dead." Pietro said, anger seeping into his words as he roamed Alyssa's face.

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