Chapter 12 - Speedy Gonzales

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After her fight with Tony, Alyssa resumed her sandwich delivery; checking on Steve, Thor, and Vision first, who all thanked her thoroughly for the food, before gently knocking on Clint's room

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After her fight with Tony, Alyssa resumed her sandwich delivery; checking on Steve, Thor, and Vision first, who all thanked her thoroughly for the food, before gently knocking on Clint's room.

"Hawk? You there? I got some food for you." she stated quietly, waiting for him to open the door. However, her expression saddened when she heard light sobbing coming from the other side. "Clint?" she asked again, slowly opening the door, hearing it creek as she peeked inside.

The room was dark and stuffy, and the only light came from the desk on the left. There, Clint had made himself a station, old tech equipment littering the wooden board. On the chair in front of it sat the archer with his head in his hands as his shoulders shook. His soft crying and heavy breathing sent shivers down Alyssa's spine as she looked at him.

"Oh, Hawk..." she whispered, setting the food aside as she walked up to him, hesitantly laying a hand on his heaving shoulders. He jumped at her touch, quickly wiping his tears away as he looked at her.

"A-Alyssa, what are... what are you doin' here?" he sniffled, desperately trying to look unbothered. But as she looked at him with sympathy and a sad smile, he broke again. He hung his head as the girl gently wrapped her arms around him, holding him lightly as he cried.

"I-I... I can't get to her! No one's answering, and she's- she's probably scared, and I don't... I can't find her!" he sobbed, his voice shaking with every breath.

"I know... I know, and I know that you're scared too. But Nat's strong, she'll be fine. And we are going to find her. That's a promise, Hawk." Alyssa said firmly, but still with a soft tone.

Clint eventually calmed down, separating himself from Alyssa as he massaged the bridge of his nose with his fingers. She smiled at him, taking one of the sandwiches and offering it to him.

"Here. You should eat. You're not you when you're hungry." she smirked, smiling at the laugh that emitted from the superhero.

"Thanks, Ally. You're the best." he answered quietly, taking the food from her. After some more light talking, Alyssa eventually left, making Clint take a break as he went to talk with Laura for a while.

Her duty was done; she made everyone's rough day a little bit better with her offerings. But when she thought about the smiles of her friends, her mind wandered to the frown of her father. The way the tears pricked his eyes as she yelled at him.

Inhaling deeply, she put her hands in her pockets as she absentmindedly walked through the hallways of the Avengers tower- no specific destination in mind. With her watery eyes glued to the ground, she didn't notice the person cheerily strutting up to her, and she bumped into them, trying to steady herself with her hands as she grabbed onto the person's shirt.

"Woah- you didn't see me coming?" Pietro chuckled, grasping Alyssa's arms as he steadied her.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry, I was... somewhere else." she responded, a dry laugh escaping her lips.

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