Chapter 6 - Mind Games

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"Don't tell me my men swindled you

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"Don't tell me my men swindled you. I sent you six short-range heat-seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts. Now, you will make it right, or the next missile I send you will come very much faster." and with that, Ulysses Klaue ended the call, switching back to his former caller. "Now, minister, where were we?"

Klaue didn't even get the chance to start talking when the machines powered down and the lights went out. The workers were clamoring and were frantically trying to get to another light source other than their flashlights.

Grabbing the gun from his office table, Klaue carefully advanced to the door, slowly lifted the gun, and released a shot. The bullet didn't harm anyone, but rather was put back on the table, perfectly aligned with the other bullets.

Pietro sighed as he watched Klaue closely and waited for his sister to join him.

Wanda slowly stepped into the office, a scowl decorating her facial features.

"Yeah. The enhanced. Strucker's prize pupils." Klaue huffed and sat down on his chair. "Do you want a candy? Hmm?" he asked, holding out a bowl of candy.

"I was sorry to hear about Strucker. But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping to create. Human life. Not a growth market."

Pietro glanced at his sister, confusion written upon his face. Wanda's expression faltered slightly as she continued staring at Klaue.

"You- you didn't know? Is this your first time intimidating someone? I'm afraid that I'm not that afraid." he shrugged.

"Everybody is afraid of something." Wanda stepped in.

"Cuttlefish." Klaue immediately responded, earning a head tilt from Wanda.

"Deep sea fish. They make lights, disco lights..." he explained as he imitated cuttlefish and made snap moves with his hand. "To hypnotize their prey, and then-" Klaue stopped, dramatically grabbing the nothingness of the air. "I saw a documentary. It was terrifying."

Is that dude serious?

Running to the table, Pietro grabbed a candy from the bowl and unwrapped it; popping the chocolate into his mouth.

"So if you're going to fiddle with my brain and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business. And I know you're not in charge. And I only deal with the man in charge." Klaue declared. Unfortunately for him, Klaue didn't notice Ultron flying up behind him, and soon was being blasted out of his office, glass shards whirling in the air.

"There is no man in charge." Ultron said, towering over Klaue. "Let's talk business."

So, Klaue and his companion lead Ultron, Wanda, and Pietro to a door, which revealed several tons of toxic waste. But only a few seconds later, the tons seemed to go down. Actually being a little elevator, it came to a halt, and Klaue stepped in, pulling out a tube of Vibranium.

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