miyuki kazuya ~ insert title

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recently moving from your old school to seido sounded like a bigger change than it ended up being. you made friends in no time, and you were even able to find yourself your own secret oasis, the place where you'd end up spending most of your time in.

it was a little cafe, only a dozen minutes away from the school. the walls of the little building were covered by windows and you could see many different people coming home from school or their daytime work, as well as kids just having fun.

you found the place because you needed a place to study, and your new place didn't feel like "home" yet, so finding the cafe really was a lucky find.

study dates with yourself turned into just relaxing and watching strangers roam the busy streets when they got busier and more crowded as it got closer to sunset.

even so, the main purpose for staying there for so long after school was your homework. if you didn't have such a great and believable excuse, there was no way your mom would let you stay out for hours after school.

now, moving right along...

it was nothing but a thursday afternoon, and you dreadfully sighed as you looked at the clock in the classroom.

there was fifteen minutes left of class. thursdays always made you more tired for no particular reason, so you were planning to stay at the cafe longer than you usually did; the cafe workers were used to that anyway.

even if you didn't know any of the workers personally, and you hardly looked at their faces, each and every one of them knew you and a select few even knew your order.

"remember everyone! your test is tomorrow, but don't stress too much! if you've done all of the work so far, you'll be fine."

you let another sigh escape your lips as you avoided eye contact with your teacher, but another voice caught your attention, this one whispering from beside you.

"l/n, right?" it said, making you turn towards it.

he was a boy that you had seen daily and that your friends spoke of plenty, yet you had never had a conversation with him before, and you saw no point in having one now.

you gave him a friendly smile, but your tone still came out as sarcastic. "yes?"

"huh.." he mumbled before looking at you, "you were sighing because you think it's dumb that teach' says not to stress, weren't you?"

raising an eyebrow, your forehead crinkled up as you didn't see any purpose of the conversation that you were holding with this boy. but, there was now ten minutes left in class and everyone else was talking amongst them, so there wasn't any excuse you could use to leave.

"anyone could've guessed that. teachers saying that kind of stuff is just them looking down on us... but that's inevitable because they do have much experience than us," you leaned back on your chair, looking at the boring ceiling above you. "also, what happened to the honorific? you didn't even use one earlier."

"what happened to telling me your first name?"

noticing the smirk on his face, you felt the need to play hard-to-get. "what do you even want?"

he shrugged, looking at the noisy classroom for a minute, which gave you a moment to breathe, but he wouldn't let the conversation end like that.

the boy then stood up and approached the front of your desk, opposite you, and leaned down on it so his head was resting on it.

"what i want, right?..how about your first name? maybe even your phone number?"

from the sudden closeness, you felt a blush appear on your face. "w- what's up with that? i don't even know you!"

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