sanada shunpei ~ cherry

732 16 55

[I promise I'll make more short ones, I just get carried away WAYYYY too easily. have a great day, this was a request but I can't figure out how to mention them..]

Fluttering your eyes open, you swing your arm to your side, attempting to silence your phone.

Unfortunately, it doesn't, and your hand simply hits your phone meters away from your bed, near your bedroom door. You stare at it for a second, fully opening your eyes, before giving up, getting up, and turning off that horrendous morning alarm.

You stretch your back, lazily picking up your uniform with your left hand and holding your phone in your right hand. Your uniform is newly ironed and is on a hanger, you only have to put it on and leave. You feel a buzz from your phone, indicating that you got a text.

U: just making sure you're awake. happy monday

The text makes you drop your uniform and completely wake up. The time was much later than you expect it to be, approaching nine o'clock at a dangerous pace.

"Oh shoot," you mumble, rushing to change into your uniform that's on the floor, before getting your already packed bag, putting your shoes on and heading out the door, rushing to the class you may or may not make on time.

The Tokyo streets are pretty full, filled with businessmen and students alike, and the streetlights don't seem to be working in your favour today as nearly every light becomes red just when you hit it.

When you finally get to school, the gates are beginning to close and the security in front of it holds a stern look on his face. He would certainly not let you pass. He's standing tall, staring forwards, and the coffee in his hands somehow makes him look more intimidating.

You stop, leaning on the wall in back of you, thinking about the few options you have: going back home and calling sick or sucking it up and going. Deciding the latter, you attempt to sneak up to the gate, trying to sneak in despite knowing that there's no way it's possible.

As you start to sneak up to the gate, tippy toes and all- you feel a tap on your shoulder. You jump, having to slap a hand to your mouth to not let out a surprised yelp in hopes to avoid the security's attention.

You turn around carefully, meeting meet eyes with a boy who seemed to be in the same situation as you. A dark baseball cap is strapped onto his head, a tie loosely tied around his neck, and his black hair fell perfectly near his shoulders.

"You late?" He whispers, crouching down for some reason, even if it wouldn't keep the security guard from spotting you. From this close, you can see both sweat on his forehead and see the dirt on his cheek, making you wonder what exactly got him looking so unready for school

"Yeah," you say, taking a relaxed stance when you decide that he's probably not a dangerous person, "you too?"

He nods, lightly grabbing your shoulder and looks around you to spot the security guard, who's standing in front of the gate that just closed. "Guess it's too late for that," he murmurs, sounding unconcerned. He lets go of your shoulder, and then sends you a friendly smile. "I know another place to sneak in, want to come with?"

His smile sends a butterfly flutter in your stomach, for some odd reason. You can't say anything but, "Sure", before he leads you to wherever the "other place" is.

You follow the mysterious boy, blindly. He seems like a good guy, you think. If something were to go terribly wrong, at least you would have an excuse for being late for class.

"Here." He snaps you out of your thoughts, still whispering, pointing his thumb at the baseball team's practice gate. He then pulls out a key, putting it in the lock and opening the door. "After you."

one shots ~ ace of the diamond x readerWhere stories live. Discover now