miyuki kazuya ~ this is too intense

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Being childhood friends with the all-too-famous Miyuki Kazuya had it's troubles, but it was something you had been used to since forever ago.

Miyuki would proudly say that you knew each other more than you knew yourselves, and as much as you often pretended to hate him, you couldn't deny that he knew you better than anyone else around. You had grown up next door neighbours as your mothers had been best friends ever since high school, and they had quite literally set you guys up to be best friends.. or maybe something more.

Although lately, you both have grown apart from each other.

You attended the same school, even had a couple of the same classes, but you lacked the close-knit friendship that you had in previous years.

Maybe it was due to the fact that Miyuki seemed to put all of his attention towards baseball, somehow even more dedicated in his second year than he was in his first, or maybe it was your fault as you focused all your attention on school and your other friends that making plans that fit in your schedule for him seemed like an impossible task.

Even if you missed your late night talks and really your whole childhood with him, you didn't want to intrude in his business. You knew, more than anyone, that he loved baseball and would dedicate his whole self to it.

Yet you often found yourself wondering if there was still space for you in his time, or if he was merely forcing time to hangout with you because of some type of obligation.

Either way, that wasn't something you felt the need to find out.


Friday morning was one of Miyuki's least favourite days, the others being every other weekday, but he still forced himself to get out of bed.

He instantly wondered if you were awake yet, but he quickly realized that no sane person would wake up at six o'clock if not for some type of commitment, his being baseball. There was no way someone like you, who barely arrived on time for most classes, would be awake that early. No way.

"What'd you guys think about Sawamura and his little texting girlfriend? I still don't understand how he has a girlfriend before any of us," Kuramochi complained, as he usually did when it came to both the pitcher and his issues with girls.

Isashiki shrugged before calling out to the first year, "Bakamura, how'd you get a girlfriend? Did you threaten her or something?"

Miyuki watched the arguments start, watching is escalate slowly. It wasn't as if this was uncommon, so he kept eating his food peacefully. Though, even he was surprised that Sawamura was able to have so many female friends, especially his one from his hometown.

It wasn't as if they often saw each other, so Miyuki wondered how they stayed as close as they were previously, though he would never say that out loud.

He compared the situation to his own. You had both moved to Seido together, yet you found yourselves talking less than before. It wasn't as if you barely talked, because you spoke at least a few times a week, but it was nothing compared to before.

"Say, what about Miyuki and his little girlfriend?"

Miyuki was quickly snapped out of his thoughts at the mention of his name. However, he was confused by just what his upperclassman meant. "Huh?"

Kominato sighed, "I mean L/n. She's pretty cute and she's super popular, and literally the ideal student, even teachers like her. Plus, it's not like you don't like her."

At the mention of Miyuki dating someone, his teammates had to laugh. He wasn't a complete jerk, but he's more arrogant and cheeky than one deemed healthy. Most of his teammates could not picture him in a serious relationship.. well, that was until they saw him and you talking.

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