kuramochi yoichi ~ shy crush

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"get the hell away from me."

"It's not like you have anyone else."

"Either way! I can't do this anymore.. not with you!"

slamming the door behind you, you left your now ex-boyfriend's apartment.

it wasn't as if everything was perfect in the relationship, actually very few things were anything near perfect. you had never stood up for yourself in front of him before, but there you were, leaving him behind of your life.

thankfully, he didn't live anywhere close to you. a long distance relationship wasn't something most high school students could say that they would do, but for two junior school students deep in love, it just did happen;

that's what you thought at least. it was more like a one-sided love than a relationship. the guy was just too desperate, and once he finally found someone else that could put up with his jerk personality, he cheated on you.

leaving your hometown after spending the new years with your family, and after breaking your ties with your ex-boyfriend for the last and final time, you made your way back to your high school that you called home.

you loved your parents, and you wouldn't trade them for anything. although you complained about them, and you had argued with them more times than countable, you loved them. but they still weren't able to cheer you up during the break, sending you back to school, hoping that your friends could cheer you up.

"what's up with you l/n-chan? you look terrible."

it was now lunch time, and you heard someone call your name from outside of the class, and footsteps heading your way. looking up at one of, sadly, your best friends, you saw his normal cheeky smile taking up half of his face. "appreciate it miyuki, now fuck off and leave me alone for today. i didn't exactly have the best break."

"oh shit, that's kind of sad," the catcher responded, not really knowing what to say. he wasn't the type to comfort people. "kuramochi, come in here. l/n looks like she's about to become a zombie or something. like look at her eye bags, i swear she might have already become one."

upon hearing the shortstop's name, you sighed. for some reason, you really didn't want him to see you like this. he was a precious friend to you, one of your best friends, but you cared more about how you were around him than his four-eyed best friend. "i'm not dead, i'm just tired of everything. can't a girl just take a nap during lunch without interruption?"

"y/n, come on. we're going to go get ice cream now," kuramochi's voice said, and you looked at his feet.

miyuki's feet started walking the opposite way, "i have to go. catcher duties or something, cheer up l/n-chan so she doesn't die or something. it'd be a pain dealing with you without her being able to cheer you up whenever you're upset."

"oi miyuki, you're making it seem like i'm- whatever! just go ahead with your catcher duties or whatever." the excuse was an obvious lie, but kuramochi's attention was all on you. he tilted his head, as he had still not gotten a response to the offer of a treat. "are you coming? the place gets full pretty quickly since it's so close to school."

you had never said no to going to get ice cream with him and miyuki before, but it wasn't exactly like you had said no. well, until you did. "no, i'm not... not today."

no more words were exchanged, and you watched as kuramochi's feet walked away. you felt a tugging feeling at your heart as he did so, but you did your best to ignore how it made you feel.

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