kominato haruichi ~ girlfriend

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Kominato Haruichi, the shy second baseman of Seido High School. Shy by nature, has never had many friends outside of his baseball and he's never really thought about it much. He didn't have a lot friends back home because of just how dedicated he was to his sport.

When he moved away from his hometown, nearly two years ago, there was only one person he felt like he was really moving away from. He still texts her daily, and they call whenever they are able to. It almost feels like they are just as close as they were before he moved away. Really, he misses her. He returns to his hometown every so often when they have breaks, but he's barely able to spend time with you, as it was mostly for him be around family.

However, each time, she'd wave goodbye to him at the train station, and he'd blush quietly as he waved back.

The girl had asked Haruichi out when they were in their first year of junior high, and somehow the relationship never faded in the slightest. It changed, everything seems to, but it never went away. They hadn't really told anyone about their relationship, just because they'd rather keep it to themselves than to spend their time gossiping about it. They preferred study dates and watching movies over making out and having sex. They went on dates, held hands, and really just had a complete blast together.

Before they knew it though, Haruichi left for high school and they weren't able to see each other.

They had never the chance to kiss, to say I love you, anything of the sort. They took things slow, and that's just how they liked it. They were only middle schoolers when they got together, but both were sure that it'd last a lifetime.

"Haruichi, please save me!"

The voice was pleading, one that had become normalized in the Kominato's life. He turns off his phone, looking over to his left to find his friend in a rather tough situation. "...I'll let Yo-san handle that, Eijun-kun." He gives his friend a wave, Eijun not able to say anything and being trapped in the headlock.

Yoichi lets out a loud laugh before letting Eijun breathe again. "And you thought Haruichi would help you!" He exclaims as Eijun runs over to Haruichi, wanting to put some sort of barrier in between him and his roommate.

"Who were you on the phone with?" Eijun manages to switch the subject, effectively running away from another wrestling match that he'd certainly lose.

The first string was currently hanging in Yoichi, Sawamura and Asada's room, but the first years had run away because of the rumours of the hell that the upperclassmen put them through, which was fair by the amount of torture they would put them through.

"Probably just Ryou-san," Yoichi tells Eijun and sits back down in front of the small TV. He grabs one controller for himself, and then grabs a second controller. "Haruichi, want to.." he trails off, his eyes staying on Haruichi long enough for the second baseman to grow uncomfortable.

"What is it?"

"You're kind of blushing.." Yoichi points directly at his face, and the team looks at Haruichi. "I'm not just seeing stuff.. you went out for a second on your phone, and you come back in blushing.."

"I was just checking my texts." Haruichi gives his partner a smile, attempting to shove his phone away in his pocket. "Nothing to worry about."

Yoichi leaps at him, like some sort of RPG character that he always plays as, and tries to reach for Haruichi's phone. With his trained reflexes, Haruichi is easily able to dodge his upperclassman's hand to keep him away from his phone. "Why're you hiding it then? You are hiding something!"

Everyone is looking at him, even their captain who wasn't normally interested in this sort of pointless drama. Most of them are just playing random games around the room, so the sudden yelling brings their games to a hold.

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