miyuki kazuya ~ staying by your side

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[VERY cringy and poorly written. i highly recommend skipping this one.]

"Where's L/n-senpai? Shouldn't she be here by now?" Haruichi worried about his upperclassman, who was late to their club meeting.

Usually, Y/n would arrive at least fifteen minutes early, and when she did she apologized for being late even though she was nowhere close to it.

If that wasn't obvious enough, Y/n just wasn't one to be late when it came to important things.

The room of boys looked around, confused on why their head manager was late. Y/n wasn't just another manager that helped gather the baseballs or equipment, but she was their intel-gatherer.

Least to say, she was important to the team.

"Miyuki, could you go get her? She's probably in her room. She might've just forgotten that we had a meeting tonight, she's been working a lot lately." Chris spoke up for his fellow manager.

The first-string catcher nodded, standing up and walking out of their cafeteria silently. He wouldn't dare to admit it, but he was a tad bit jealous of the relationship that Y/n held with his upperclassman. Y/n had joined at the same time as Miyuki, yet she seemed much closer to the third-years than most of the second-years.

Although, most of that was Miyuki's mind playing tricks on him. To the rest of the team, it was quite obvious that Y/n liked the catcher, but they never mentioned a word about it to him since they didn't want to get killed by their manager. On the other hand, Miyuki had hinted a few times about his little 'crush', and most of his teammates had caught on

Comments like, "You know, even though your hair is messy as hell, you still look cute" and "I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention" were things that Miyuki said casually when the team was hanging out and Y/n was studying their opponents.

Y/n simply thought the guy was teasing her, as she knew just how popular he was. Even so, she never showed the team anything less than a smile on her face. The only time that Miyuki had found her without one was when she had fallen asleep during class, but she still seemed peaceful.

Even when they lost to Inashiro as first-years, she did her best to cheer the team up and keep her distance from the players so they could recover by themselves. She was not only there as an intel-gatherer but she really was the best to cheer up the players individually.

That's one thing that Miyuki always admired about her. He didn't know when it happened, but his feelings for her hit him out of nowhere.

But now, the catcher stood in front of the girl's room, hearing something that sounded like laughing for a second, until he stepped close enough to the door to hear Y/n's quiet cries.

The door was slightly open, and Miyuki looked at Y/n's back. Her body was curled up on the floor of her dorm, and her head was in between her knees. She hugged herself as if no one else would.


A loud yell for cry was something that Miyuki had never heard come out from her mouth. She really did her best to keep all of her negative emotions to herself.

He was frozen in spot for a minute, and didn't know what to do.

But he felt this urge to hug her, this urge to tell her that it would be okay. And somehow, his body moved by itself.

"Hey.." Miyuki said awkwardly, and Y/n turned around quickly.

That's when Miyuki spotted just how red her eyes were and the tears falling down her face. She looked like a broken doll. "W-why are you here? I- I'm fine, just leave me alone please."

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