tojo hideaki ~ picnic

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[i have realized that idk tojo's personality enough to write him like this, whoopsy i did it anyway! this is an old-ish chapter so uhh ya]

Life was great.

It was a peaceful Saturday afternoon, and the clock just reached two o'clock. The boys in front of you just got on an hour long break from their practice, and you stood up to walk to your favourite place while the rest of them went to the cafeteria.

"Y/n? Where are you heading?"

A voice pierced your ears, stopping you from going any further in that moment. You looked back, lending the boy a smile. "Just going on a walk," you replied vaguely.

He raised an eyebrow, curious as to where exactly you could be heading. "It's lunchtime, you won't have time to eat after you get back from wherever you're heading."

"I brought some lunch, so don't worry too much."

The center fielder gave up his worried look, and looked over to his teammates who had already gotten to the team's cafeteria.

"I'll come along."

"I didn't know my little Hideaki was so bold," you teased him, "But sure, I've got some extra lunch either way."

He nodded, skipping to meet your step.

You were in his class last year and luckily this year as well, in which you often hung out with him and the youngest Kominato. He had noticed only after that you joined the team as a manager, with Kominato that brought it up to you in the first place.

Although Kominato was the one to bring it up to you, and the one that had spoken to you first, you and Tojo always seemed closer.

Tojo walked you to the bus station after practice, using the excuse as he didn't want you to be walking around in the dark. You invited him to the library whenever you guys were off, using the excuse as studying, but you both knew that you weren't going to study as much as you would joke around.

You wouldn't exactly call you guys best friends, but you wouldn't simply call him your friend either. It was something different.

Maybe that had to do that with every time that the players would tease you about him, your face would get red and you'd get flustered, but you tried to cover yourself up. But truly, everyone except for himself knew that you liked Tojo.

"Oi Tojo, you going out with L/n for lunch?" Tojo's blonde best friend called out to him, a devilish look on his face.

"Y- yeah, I'll be back in time for practice," Tojo waved to his friend.

You smiled at his best friend, you were friends with most of the team, and that boy was no different. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill your best friend Kanemaru."

"KYAHAHA are you guys going on a date during lunch?!? You second years never fail to surprise me!"

As much as the third years were great, for everything concerning Tojo you wanted to punch them. Tojo usually hung out with the second years, and somehow you often ended up hanging out with the third years.

Kuramochi, by far, was the one who teased you the most, but Miyuki also gave out sly remarks here and there.

"We're just hanging out, relax Mochi-senpai. Let's just go before they bother us any more," you spoke with a hand on your waist.

"Make sure that Tojo can still practice after!" Miyuki shouted after you both, but Tojo didn't pay enough attention to it to think about what the captain was really talking about.

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