sawamura eijun ~ a normal day

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[by request!! i still have no idea how to tag people, but i hope to figure it out soon enough sorry!!! im working on another eijun one shot for them as well!!]

Sawamura paces in front of your room, rubbing his fingers anxiously along his sides to attempt to wipe off the sweat he had already washed away in the shower after practice.

He shouldn't be this nervous to just knock on your door and ask if you're available to hangout, even his academically-failing brain can figure that feeling this anxious doesn't make logical sense.

Not that he's ever been one to follow logic or theories in the first place, and he tries to find comfort in that, but to no avail. He's stuck in front of your room, staring at it for at least five whole minutes before he gets interrupted.

"Do you need L/n-senpai?" A voice asks.

He turns to his side spotting a girl no more than five feet tall. She has a tote bag swung over her shoulder, filled to the brim with books. Her face is luckily one that Sawamura recognizes.

"Y- yeah," he answers, stuttering for the first time in years. "If she's busy it's no problem."

The girl becomes puzzled by his calm and collected reaction and doesn't hesitate. "You're acting differently than you normally do, Sawamura-senpai. You're usually abnormally.. well you're normally special around her, but you're calm today."

Sawamura knows this, he really does, and having someone else point it out to him makes his nervousness feel all the more real.

"I suppose I am, Young Sato," he answers in his oddly fitting formal language that pops up every so often. "I have the day off and was wondering if she's okay to hangout, or something."

"Right.." she trails off, walking towards Sawamura and turning the doorknob that he had hesitated to knock on for an embarrassing amount of time.

He walks a few steps back, giving her a respectable and polite amount of space, and holds himself from acting as nervous as he probably looked before.

"She's not here right now, she went to some library this morning and I guess she's still not back," Sato informs him. She's always been slow with getting to the point.

Sawamura knows which library she's talking about without even thinking. Although he doesn't particularly love studying, you had dragged him out a few times to go see just how pretty you found this library to be. The whole time though, his eyes were only looking at you.

"She probably wouldn't mind her boyfriend going to visit her." Sato's voice is steady and says the b word so effortlessly that Sawamura has a hard time believing that this isn't some dream of his. "I still can't believe you managed to score such a beauty."

"Me neither!" Is Sawamura's loud and immediate response. He really has no idea how you like him back.

Two weeks ago, Sawamura had confessed to you for the sheer reason that he couldn't keep his feelings to himself, and his dozens of baseball teammates, anymore. He never in a million years would've expected a positive response, but he got one, and now he has become even more interested in you.

"But I'm sure lucky I did!" He says enthusiastically, throwing his arms up and stretching them over his head.

"You sure are," Sato replies dryly, but a smile crosses her face only a second later. "You seem more confident all of a sudden. You should go meet her before you start pacing back and forth again."


Sawamura's interrupted by the door to your room closing, leaving him alone in front of the girls' Seido Spirit Dorms that were dedicated to foreign academic students.

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