miyuki kazuya ~ with a little help

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"m-miyuki-kun... are you.. are you... perhaps... interested in going on a da-... do you think im pretty?"

"you're pretty blurry i guess," the boy spoke, wiping his glasses that he held in his hands.


"sorry mademoiselle, our little captain already has his eye on someone."

"no way... who is it?!"

"shut up 'mochi, before i beat some sense into you."

"awe you won't even admit-"

"stop lying you idiot."

miyuki kazuya, the well-known baseball captain who didn't care about anything other than the sport that loved. he was never interested in a relationship, and rejecting girls rarely surprised him anymore. it was just a normal event in his life.

"are you never going to confess to y/n? i mean it's like you reject girls all the time, but you only have eyes for one of them. it's pretty amusing," kuramochi told his friend at heading to their baseball's cafeteria after morning practice. "if you don't, i'm sure there are other guys that have their eye out for her."

miyuki gave him a glare. kuramochi had already found out of his little crush months ago, before he could deny any of it. "she's rejected me plenty before, and she's never taken me seriously. i don't think that if i ask her straight-up it will change anything."

"you're pretty good at baseball, but you're an idiot when it comes to this stuff huh.." kuramochi trailed off, "the thing is that she never takes you seriously. you playfully flirt with her, but i'm sure that she's never once thought that you were being serious."

the catcher shrugged, not wanting to talk about the subject as they entered their baseball team's cafeteria since there were more than enough of gossipers on their team.


"just because I come around and make you guys food doesn't mean that you can only eat the meat. i'm making you all food so you start to know what a balanced meal is for when you have to prepare it at home," you sighed, "finish your plate first, and then i might give you some more sawamura-kun."

both miyuki and kuramochi raised an eyebrow, seeing y/n where the kitchen was. the managers only stayed a short while after afternoon practices, especially on weekends. they also rarely ever made full meals, settling to onigiri most of the time, which was already plenty to do considering the number of members of the team that there were.

you had joined the team last year, even though you were a second year at the time. meeting chris changed a lot of your perspective on what a manager could be, and you've tried to live up to his expectations of you.

but a certain catcher caught your eye, often distracting you from your job.

"oi y/n, what're you doing here? shouldn't you be home eating lunch?"

miyuki had started calling you by your first name just a few months ago, and you thought it was simply to tease you, and it half was. the other part was just to feel just a little closer to you than those around you.

so you decided to do it back. "oh kazuya! i just thought i'd help you guys out a bit more today."

"kyahaha l/n-chan, toss me some lunch too!"

"sure thing mochi-kun"

you prepared two meals, and gave them to the boys from behind the counter. "eat up boys."

kuramochi walked to his seat, but not without noticing that his captain wasn't behind him. he decided to leave them to talk in between themselves, since they rarely had any time to do so with all of the team responsibility that the two carried.

one shots ~ ace of the diamond x readerWhere stories live. Discover now