kominato ryosuke ~ lunch tray trip

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"GO Y/N!"

Cheers cheered Y/n on, and a smirk grew on her face. "As you wish."

The cheering felt as loud as the baseball games that she would watch her school play, as almost half of the third-years were cheering her on.

It was lunchtime, and Y/n had had the bright idea to try sledding down the grassy hill in back of the school on a lunch tray. It seemed like an easy enough task, but seeing how small the lunch tray was and how steep the hill was made it seem much worse.

Even so, Y/n was known for being somewhat of a daredevil.

"Go Y/n-senpai." She heard, getting pushed by none other than Miyuki Kazuya, her neighbor who always teased her, but it was mutual.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" She yelled, her smile showing a different emotion than what she yelled out loud. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"

Almost running into her classmate and the first-string second baseman wasn't such a pleasant experience, but Y/n was able to avoid it by twisting the tray that she slid underneath.

Coincidentally, her body slid on the grass, resulting in some aching from all of her body and a few bloody spots here and there. "Fuck...."

She looked at her knee, which was even more bloody than she had expected. Her pants and shirt ripped a bit, but thankfully not in spots that were private. But the spots that were not ripped were either bloody or dirty.

"Here, are you okay?"

The girl looked up, being met with a hand offered by none other than the boy who she had almost killed. She grabbed it with a smile on her face, but she almost fell over after realizing the sharp pain in her knee.

"Fuck..." She mumbled to herself, but raised a fist to the people above the hill. "DON'T TRY THAT GUYS IT HURTS!"

Although the smile on her face said one thing, the aching in her body said another.

"Let's go get you fixed up, I'm sure we have some first-aid treatment in our cafeteria." The pink haired baseball player said, putting his arm around the girl's waist to lend her support.

She grew red by the sudden contact, but she reminded herself that was simply because she would've been in pain without the support. "T-thanks.."

Y/n could hear him let out a chuckle, and she looked the opposite way.

The two walked in silence, but it was a comfortable one. If she had to be honest, that was the closest that someone had gotten to her for quite some time. She wouldn't dare to admit it, but it felt nice, even if it was a stranger.

"Who's that Ryou-senpai? Your girlfriend KYAYAHHA!" A green-haired boy spoke, before recognizing the girl. "Oh it's just L/n-senpai."

Most of the baseball team was confused by the presence of the girl, but they were even more confused on why their second baseman was holding her by her waist... and why she looked so messed up.

"Here, I'll go get the first aid kit." The pink-haired boy said, helping Y/n sit down at the back of the cafeteria, far from the others, before he left the room.

The baseball team continued to have their normal conversations, but someone would look over at her every so often. She was lucky that their loud-mouthed players were still getting their food.

"Oh Y/n-senpai! You look terrible! What happened?"

Y/n spotted her neighbor with a cheeky grin on his face. "I swear to fucking god if there weren't people around right now I'd kill you Kazuya. Look how I ended up because of you."

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