Marriage Anniversary- Part 1!

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A/N: Thank you everyone for inspiring me to continue this Vauseman journey and special thanks to @ccoffey81594, @swiftiesworld and @Tori­_2019. This journey would not have been possible without you all.


As Alex rolled over to pull Piper closer, so they could cuddle before their daughter would wake up and the madness would begin. Instead of her wife's presence, she found a small card and a single white lily on top of Piper's pillow. Lilies were Alex's favorite. Roses repulsed Alex since she was young, and her few girlfriends would give it to her. However, when Piper gave her roses, she loved it. But on the most romantic day of the year, Piper was late to go to the flower shop to buy roses for her beloved, they were out of stock and she had to buy white lilies for Alex. Since then, every year, except when they were separated Piper bought them for Alex on every special occasion and it became a tradition. Even when Alex was in prison post Piper's release, she would buy them, and the Ohio prison staff were kind enough to let Alex keep the flowers. The main page held beautiful words only her wife could have explained about their love.


WE have LOVED and HATED each other with EQUAL PASSION!

We have FOUGHT and MADE UP with each other with EQUAL PASSION!

Alex blushed and opened the letter to find her wife's excellent penmanship. But instead of the usual printed words, she found something her wife had written for her.

Dearest Alex,

Al, Happy Anniversary babe! I know today is all about US, US as lovers and wives. But being married to you and then starting our little family, I think from the day June was born, when we adopted Junior from the dog shelter and when we will welcome the newest addition in currently your belly, our anniversaries will always be about US as not only wives but as a mothers too. Being your wife bought me a lot of happiness, and I would just do about anything to keep you happy, to love you and give all I have and all I am.

I think the proposal in the bunker was kickass when I asked you to marry me. I know it was on the spot and very spontaneous and I will never forget your soft features, which were very evident on your face. That moment I'll never forget which led us to this stage, 11 years (prison ceremony) and 8 years (church wedding). I have always wanted you and the wild, breathtaking journey you have offered me. I want you to know that I'll always be here, and I want to continue discovering the life we have, with you beside me. I know I have hurt you in the past but know that I will choose you over and over again.



Alex clutched the letter to her heart and gently took the scent of the white lilies. She was still in and out of sleep. She dreamt Piper's voice. She was so used to her calling her "Alex" day in and day out for each and everything in their life. Be it their fights, their patch-ups, the dreams they had weaved together. Or the countless nights they had spent in fear, of losing each other, losing each other's love and trust. Or simply being worried about each other. Or the first time Piper had called her "Al". During the early days of their relationship, they had realized that they were truly, madly and crazily in love with each other. Or the time when she found out Piper was pregnant. Every moment, every breathtaking moment she had spent with Piper, she was truly blessed to have Piper in her life. Every moment Piper was around her, it made her realize how she had fallen madly in love with this woman. Every moment, every single moment made her realize that "PIPER" was all that mattered to her.

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