London Calling!

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A/N: I wanted to post as a single chapter but the chapter got so long, so have divided them in two parts. I hope it's not too long. Cheers!

Part 1

Alex had just barely finished reading to her 1-year-old baby when she heard her wife calling from their master bedroom loudly to her.

Piper: "Mrs. Vause get your ass up here."

Alex kissed her baby girl as she entered the land of dreams of fairies.

Alex: "Good night baby. For the next one week, be a good kid, don't trouble Piper momma. I am going to miss you so much."

Alex hurried upstairs to find her cute wife, sprawled across their king size bed, in her favourite spring horse print pyjamas that she knew her wife loved to see her in. It irritated and annoyed her. She was expecting her wife to be nothing but in a sexy, lace lingerie so she could fuck Piper, her wife like the way she deserves. Piper held out her hand for her wife and pulled her near her on the bed.

Piper: "Hold me close."

Alex: "Someone's demanding today!" she said with her trademark smirk.

Piper: "You are leaving for London tomorrow."

Alex: "Yes."

Piper: "Don't go baby."

Alex: "It's work honey. You know that. We have been going through this for over a week now."

Piper nodded and tried to gulp her tears down and she failed miserably. Even the small night light adorning their bedroom, Alex could see her wife's gorgeous blue orbs glassy. Alex closed the distance between the two and engulfed her wife. She stroked her back and planted small, air light kisses on her hair to calm her down.

Alex: "Babe, don't make it difficult than necessary."

Piper: "I am trying Alex. I am fucking trying."

Alex: "I know. What is it that is truly disturbing you, babe?"

Piper: "This all, you leaving home and me, took me back to your drug dealing days. I know, I know you will be coming back in a week. You will come back, but the mere thought of not having you around me is heart breaking."

Alex: "I understand and I do not blame you. But babe, I will come back home to you, our baby and our cute little ball of fluff, Tiger Jr." she said placing a soft kiss on her wife's temple.

Piper: "I wish I could just pack my stuff and join you."

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