Piper babying Alex!

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It was the sunrays entering their bedroom, that woke up Alex and she was sleeping in the warmth of her wife's arms, safe and secure. Piper had completely engulfed her. Her right hand on Alex's head and the other hand intertwined with Alex's right hand. Alex moved a bit which probably woke up her wife. Piper stirred a bit and slowly opened her eyes to see Alex's eyes boring into hers. Alex lifted her head up and placed her chin on Piper's chest, looking up to see her gorgeous wife. Piper slowly kissed Alex's temple and she melted under her wife's touch.

Alex: "Hey!"

Piper: "Hey you!"

Alex: "You are not mad at me?"

Piper: "No baby."

Alex: "I am sorry for the way I behaved last night Pipes."

Piper: "I forgave you Alex. It was a bad memory for us and we have to leave it a bad memory."

Alex: "Can I kiss you?"

Piper: "You don't have to ask. But remember that I know your touch. I can easily differentiate when your kisses are filled with love and when they are forced."

Alex nodded and kissed her wife, slow and long. She wanted to do everything in her power to erase that horrible moment when she forced herself on her wife. Her inability to have that conversation, her desire to mark her wife hers, was the reason she behaved the way she did. Piper slowly pulled apart from the kiss and gently tucked the hair strand behind Alex's hair, which was blocking her view of her wife's beautiful green eyes.

Piper: "You are hot Alex."

Alex: "I know that. The reason you married me, babe."

Piper: "No. You are burning up babe. You have fever."

Alex: "No silly. I do not have fever."

Piper: "Diane had enough fever last winter, so I know what a fever is Alex."

Alex: "It's something else."

Piper nodded her head in disbelief. She could not believe that her wife would not listen to her.

Piper: "Stay in bed I will get some water and medicine."

Alex: "But I do not have fever Pipes."

Piper: "You do. And if it doesn't subside by the evening we have to get you checked up by a doctor."

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