Baby Diane Vause!

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After fulfilling another one of her wife's crazy midnight cravings, Alex came back from the kitchen. She was about to pull her wife closer to her for sleeping, that's when she heard Piper yelp and howl in pain and Alex was helpless. Piper was in labor. Alex hadn't ever seen her in so much pain, except when she had to bear the hot, searing metal tool used by Red to convert the Nazi symbol into a window. Piper clutched her arm, wincing in pain and Alex realized that she had to rush them to the hospital.

Piper: "Al... I am in fucking labor. We have to right now..." she literally dug her fingers in Alex's arm finding support for the pain she was in.

Alex put on her coat and helped Piper from the bed towards their car. She carefully placed her in the back seat and drove to the hospital like a crazy person, probably breaking many rules in between. But what was she supposed to do? Her wife is in labor. As soon as they reached, Alex led her inside. Piper was wheeled in.

Piper: "Alex, I need you beside me..."

Alex: "Uh okay. Can't you do this alone babe?"

Piper: "Are you seriously fighting with me right now...I am in fucking labor Al..."

Alex: "Sorry...I meant I don't know if I can do this..."

Piper: "Fuck you..."

Piper was taken into the room where her doctor was waiting for her. the last checkup he had said that it will be a normal delivery. Though Piper was pushing, the baby's head was not in reach.

Alex: "Push baby...I am right here..."

Piper: "'s hurting me..."

Alex: "I know will hurt. Its going to pain...but you have to push..."

Piper: "'s not so painful. You are hurting me are grasping my hand too much..." she said exhausted and exasperated.

Alex: "Sorry..." she withdrew her hand.

Piper: "Who told you to withdraw your hand wife..."

Alex held her hand and cooed and babied her wife.

Alex: "What is it doctor?"

Doctor: "I am suspecting the position of the baby has changed..."

That's when the medical staff performed another echo and realized the baby had changed position. Plus, the umbilical cord was around the neck of the baby in a loop. It would be dangerous to push the baby, it may die.

Doctor: "Mrs?"

Alex: "Vause...yes?"

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