Heartfelt conversation

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A/N: Hey folks! I have not abandoned this story. Life got in the way and somewhere I lost the focus to think how to write the next few chapters. This is a small chapter and I know it's a filler but hey there is a new chapter.


After her long, arduous night routine of bath and brushing, Piper stepped into the room to see Alex completely engrossed in texting someone aggressively. Alex was so immersed in her texting that she didn't even acknowledge her wife's presence over there.

Piper: "Who you are texting this late in the night, Mrs. Vause?"

Alex fumbled and haphazardly shoved her phone under her pillow.

Alex: "No one..."

Piper just smiled at her flustered wife. There had been only a handful of times when Piper had riled up Alex and she was so cutely flustered.

Piper: "It's okay. You can tell me anything."

Alex: "I was texting my lover. I am having an affair."

Piper: "Okay. So what's her name?" she replied deciding two can play the game.

Alex didn't respond and turned on her side, her back facing Piper.

Piper: "Alex...."

No reply. Alex didn't budge, instead she shifted further apart from Piper and switched off the nightstand light. Piper was really having a good time having fun at Alex's expense.

Piper: "Giving me the silent treatment babe, CUTE!"

Piper laid down on her back and was counting down the minutes before Alex would cave in and tell her what was she doing and if something was bothering her. In the next moment Alex had rolled over and snuggled against the blonde woman's chest, sobbing.

Piper: "Alex, what's wrong?"

Alex: "I miss June and my mom, Piper."

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