| 2 | ♛ | But he is not an Omega | ♛ |

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Park Jimin could have sworn he had a huge grimace on his face.

Since he was a little boy he was taught to treat all people, even the weirdest and rudest, with a lot of education and chivalry. For this reason, there were few times when the boy made the mistake of leaving his true thoughts about someone on his face.

However, in that situation, it was difficult not to show any strangeness. Not after hearing such a bizarre speech from someone even more bizarre.

"Just as the prophecies say: 'He will come under the red light of the night, bringing with him the brightness of the Moon and the voices of his spiritual army. He will come to leave his heavenly wisdom to the destitute and find his home. He will come to protect, strengthen, guide and join the sovereign Alpha in the stormy days that will embrace Adaman '. It's you... The heavens have brought you to me... It's my Silver Omega. "

The young man's words in front of Park Jimin still echoed inside the latter's head, spinning like a dull stanza of some meaningless music. It seemed to be a kind of premonition that Jimin often found in fantasy and mythology books, like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, only with a romantic touch that left the whole thing a little disconcerting.

But the worst of it was to reflect on the last line.

What the hell would "Silver Omega" be? And what do you mean "MY Silver Omega" ?? A small alert in the back of the young Park's mind began to beep.

Seeing that the boy in front of him was looking at him expectantly, Jimin scratched his forehead and decided to say something.

- Look ... I understood a total of zero things from what you said. The only tablets I know are those of the 10 Commandments and the blank tablet of some philosopher who forgot the name. And what is this story about Alpha and Omega? Are you dictating the Greek alphabet?

The other young man's radiant expression began to fade and was replaced by a mixture of hesitation and confusion.

- Yo- you ... I mean, does Your Magnificence not know the prophecies? - he commented, wilting.

- Prophecy? - Park Jimin frowned to the maximum. The only thing that kept him from concluding that the other boy had a few fewer screws on his brain was the fact that he looked quite lucid, with vivid, centered eyes, full of attractive but not drunk energy.

With that in mind, Jimin's thoughts went after what could be the last appropriate answer to that situation.

- Hey, is this some kind of cinematic forest by any chance? They are filming around and you ended up mistaking me for an actor, right? That is why you are saying these absurd things so seriously ... You are training your speech with me, now I understand.

♛ Silver Ωmega ♛ • ABO • JikookWhere stories live. Discover now