|15|♛|Southern Deserters|♛|

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To my Silver Omega,

Miss you. I am so sorry that, pardon the apparent exaggeration, it tears me apart.

I've lost count of how many times I've touched your letters and reread the words written on them. I've tried to keep them in a box, so their scent doesn't fade, but to my utter frustration, it's already evaporated into the air like boiling water that rises to the skies in the summer months.

It's been so long since we last saw each other...

I didn't want to fill the space with a letter with information that will likely distress you, but I have promised sincerity and dedication to you, as I know I owe you. Consort Jeon Haerin was right to warn about the consequences that the bond carries, and right now, I may be feeling some of them.

But don't take your mind with that fact, for I am securing control of my situation. Just worry about yourself and him. Or her. Whatever... I'll keep my body strong, so you can feel that I'm being honest in my words, so please let me feel that way too.

And don't have such absurd thoughts, Park Jimin! Are you unrecognizable? I've never read so much nonsense, my dear. I'm sure I would recognize him anywhere, and in every way possible.

But I'm glad you brought this up, because now I'll spend my nights imagining it as round as a hot air balloon. It must be an extremely adorable sight.

Now I have a reason to smile before I lie down in this damned military tent, that is, on the rare nights I can rest.

And on that topic, you may already be aware of the siege at Gwang, so I'll be brief in my ramblings.

I already counted on the rapid retaking of the areas around the citadel by my troops. Our numbers outnumbered the Eliahs by thousands, and besides, we had the advantage of terrain. We were quick and concise. It would have been a battle of a few days if they hadn't dared to take Gwang's main strongholds, like clams hiding in stolen shells.

However, I have the strange impression that they already expected this, but not in the strategic sense of a battle. I imagine this is sounding confusing, but explaining something that arises in our instincts is always difficult, don't you agree with me?


I will end this letter here, hoping that it will be the last one before our reunion. Thinking about, it gives me energy to wear that uncomfortable steel mesh and go for the fight with everything I've got.

Please stay healthy, otherwise I'll go crazy here.

With love,

Jeon Jungkook, yours and yours alone.

♛ Silver Ωmega ♛ • ABO • JikookWhere stories live. Discover now