|14|♛|Love Letters|♛|

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🚨 I want you to pay close attention! This video will clarify and give a small spoiler of how Min Yoongi's development will be. 😈😇

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For my king,

I have no idea what the right way of writing a letter is, because I'm used to sending quick messages that reach other people the second I send them — advantages you might find in the world I'm from.

Oh, just to be clear, people send letters there too, but that's not that common. So when it happens, we treat it like something amazing and sometimes extremely romantic.

And knowing that, I kind of held back a bit before starting to write this letter, because, after all, our parting wasn't full of romance.

I was scared. Still am, but now it's a little different. I don't know how to explain it in words, Jungkook. If there was a chemical formula that explained what goes through my head, I would be sending it to you instead of this text.

In short, I think I went crazy and just started trying to see the situation from other angles. It's just that I don't want to freak out again, especially at a time like this. I think there are things more worrying than carrying someone inside my belly (or maybe not?).

I may never have seen war in person, but what I know in theory makes me fearful enough. I imagine you are very busy, and your mind is frying right now having to deal with countless soldiers and problems on the battlefield, so I don't know if I should keep writing you useful and serious information about what's going on here or if it would be better if I sent you futile gossip and funny things about my day in your huge castle to make you smile.

When you can, send a letter with the answer, ok?

It's been two weeks since we last saw each other. I haven't heard from you because of the distance, but II know you're fine. This wolf thing gives me that certainty.

It's strange, but I really like having this "instinct".

Can we send signals to each other over the bond? Some kind of feeling or something? I'm going to ask someone, because now I'm curious. I miss you. I confess that this is the first time that I miss someone so much that is not my mother, father or sister.

Affectionately (how corny),

Park Jimin.


To my Silver Omega,

It always fascinates me to hear him talk about the peculiarities of where he came from, and I am even more intrigued now to know that we could be communicating constantly if we were there.

♛ Silver Ωmega ♛ • ABO • JikookWhere stories live. Discover now