|16|♛|Matrimony Funereal|♛|

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Gwang Citadel, South Adaman

For Jeon Jungkook, the worst part of fighting Kim Namjoon was the fact that he and the general had known each other and trained together since they were teenagers. Because of that, both were quite used to their body movements, the addictions during the blows and the weaknesses that each one carried.

That way, for years the only detail that always decided the victory of the friendly battles that took place between the two was the fact that one had more strength and resistance than the other, for being a complete alpha.

However, there, in that chaotic situation unfolding in front of the walls and fortresses of Gwang, both Kim Namjoon and Jeon Jungkook were pure and mature alphas.

Therefore, they were tied in that regard.

Their respective skills made the swords spin in the air with the speed of a typhoon, reflecting the morning sun's rays on the steel blades; and their respective forces, when clashed by the edge of keen weapons, jingled like the snapping of countless razors.

When Jungkook dodged a deadly lunge, he quickly moved to deliver the counter, and soon after Namjoon mimicked his pace.

ㅡ Come to your senses, General! ㅡ exclaimed the king, furious, after preventing another blow. But by then he knew screaming wouldn't do much good.

Kim Namjoon wasn't in his right mind. The alpha fought well, as always, and used all his knowledge in this battle. Other than that, his eyes and expressions remained expressionless, and his attitudes went against everything he truly was.

Due to these circumstances, the young king could see an imminent tragedy. He had used a good part of his forces during the breaking of the siege, and he knew that, little by little, Kim Namjoon would be able to reduce the rest.

Soon, he would be panting and hallucinating with exhaustion. It was the rope of bond tightening around his neck.

"I can't go on like this" , Jungkook scolded in his thoughts.

His red eyes momentarily flickered to scan the surroundings again. He had already seen the bloody scene inside the fortress, but now he wanted to see something beyond the murders and senseless clashes.

The strange fox continued to wander around, like a beautiful and disturbing specter, brushing its small tail over the legs of the corpses lying on the ground.

A second before turning to escape another dangerous lunge from Kim Namjoon, Jungkook saw the petite creature staring at him, focusing its golden eyes on his.

For an instant, the alpha felt a caress in his ears along with an oddly seductive melodic whisper. It was as if something was calling to him, and the boy would almost have followed that line, if the wolf in his core hadn't howled, breaking the spell.

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