|12|♛|Winter Storms|♛|

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A month passed like a summer drizzle. But unlike the humid heat, the weather brought with it freezing cold and an eerie stillness that felt as fragile as a glass bridge.

Because of the mysteries and instabilities that came from the South, the harvests were carried out before the auspicious time to begin storage of feed that would last the entire winter—or even longer, if it depended on the political situation between Adaman and Eliah.

The citizens of the kingdom were already aware of what happened in times of war, for less than a decade ago, Wang Nara had dragged his troops north and west, conquering enemy lands and bringing glory to the crown and its subjects. But the smell of royal cavalry steel had been so present in the southern borders for centuries.

The first legion of Your Majesty's army, the King of Adaman, thronged there as a precaution. At any moment, Jeon Jungkook could order a retreat or a fierce advance against Eliah's lands.

— We'll take the villages on the border, without major trauma, because in that place only civilians live. — Jungkook was pointing to the map carved into the silver surface of the great Silver Table, organizing the steps he would take when he reached the battlefield.

With both hands covered in gloves the same color as the black military overcoat, he wore — an outfit that highlighted the muscles and angles of his athletic body —, he moved pieces that symbolized his soldiers and cities as if he were manipulating a board game. The others present in that hall carefully watched the monarch's every decision. In addition to the patriarchs and matriarchs of the main Adaman clans — and General Kim Namjoon representing both his house and his rank — there were also Prince Min Yoongi and Silver Omega Park Jimin.

— The main focus is to strengthen the troops to withstand what lies ahead... — Jungkook continued, moving one piece closer to another that looked like a cubicle full of turrets. — The first citadel we'll find on Eliah. It separates us from the passage that leads straight to their capital.

— Citadel of Hangni. Very fortified. We will need resistance to be able to invade it. — General Kim made his observations. He also wore typical military garb, filled with gold and silver emblems that showcased his heroic deeds in previous fights.

— Unfortunately, ignoring it is not strategic, nor is it possible, since at least ten percent of the King of Eliah's troops reside in Hangni. We'll get into combat one way or another. — Jungkook added, running a gloved hand through his black hair, which was already long enough to reach past the height of his jaw.

— I know the Eliahn soil is as rotten as the royal bloodline, full of swamps and constantly covered with snow. They will take advantage of this to destabilize your army, Majesty. — Said Choi Yoojung, proudly asserting herself as a true matriarch as she appended important information to the discussion.

As usual, she carried herself with all the elegance of a Choi clan madam, carrying blue jewelry all over her body, and a sapphire gown that gleamed at the slightest movement.

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