| 3 | ♛ | Incandescent flame burns scarlet | ♛ |

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Song of the chapter:
Rock You Like a Hurricane -
by Scorpions


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Among the escarpments that rose above the low gray clouds, like mountain peaks of a mountain range, there was an agitated and bloody struggle. The silence of the coniferous forest around the gorge formed by two high mountains, was oppressed by the metallic sounds of swords clashing, by the howls of alphas warriors in anger and by the screams of those who had escape as their only means of survival.

General Kim Namjoon led His Majesty's soldiers, Jeon Jungkook, while the latter was not present. Exhibiting the intimidating shape of a tall, gray wolf, the general organized the royal troops into three groups: Alphas at the front, as the use of his bestial force would shatter the enemy; Betas with armaments by the sides, to prevent the advance of the opposing troops; and Omegas ago, to protect defenseless civilians. Together, they formed a barrier at the entrance to the gorge. It would be an absolutely effective maneuver, if the enemy side was not in great numerical advantage.

The battle unfolded until the sun tilted to the west, migrating to a side of the sky where clouds limited the strength of its luminous rays. That way, in the east, glimpses of blue darkness and distant stars could already be seen.

Where is he?? Kim Namjoon was thinking of the young king, who, until that moment, had not appeared. But the general did not want Jeon Jungkook there, in that den of blood and struggle, because he considered him very much, as a brother and a friend; however, as he snapped up two or three enemy soldiers and killed them with his very sharp canines, concern hovered in his mind for not knowing His Majesty's location.

Where's your king !? ㅡ Roared a feral voice, which rose above the other sounds.

After taking down another row of enemies, the brown eyes of the wolf Kim Namjoon swept the battlefield after the one who dared to provoke him, and found an alpha beast almost as big and intimidating as himself. The brown and heterogeneous coat, as if it had grown unevenly, denounced the identity of that wolf.

General Han Untak, my king does not need to be present in a fight to win it ㅡ Kim roared, in response to the general of the enemy troop, and showed his fangs dirty with the blood of his dead opponents.

Untak laughed and furrowed the bridge of his dark snout.

Really, an imperfect child like that would not make a difference in a confrontation ㅡ he said, which stoked the boil in Kim Namjoon's blood.

You will regret such an affront, Untak! ㅡ Adaman's general pushed his strong legs and jumped to attack the impetuous opponent, exposing the pointed claws and opening the whole mouth to show the strong teeth, capable of tearing off a man's head just by snapping it up.

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