|9|♛| Omega Prophecy |♛|

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Though the temperature over Adwan was not so high that morning, being constantly soothed by the cool breeze brought by the riverbed around the capital; within Your Majesty's chambers, the heat burned latently.

Park Jimin noticed this as soon as Jeon Jungkook came into view, emerging from the shadows of the room as an intimidating and strangely arresting figure.

Amid slender muscles that matched the tall anatomy of that young monarch, black hair tangled as if it had turned over between the pillows of the bed, and lips seductively inviting; what most caught Park's attention about Jeon was those flaming red eyes, glowing like luminescent buttons.

At that moment, immersed in a confusion of thoughts and sensations, the boy thought about how it all was, at the same time, incredible and frightening. In the real world, no one could have glowing eyes or even shapeshift into dire wolves. But there, inside his younger sister's book, every experience he had ever had carried a touch of magic

Even in the eyes of Jeon Jungkook one could find this surrealism...

ㅡ You... ㅡ The king's whispery voice also sounded unearthly. She almost dulled Jimin's senses. ㅡ Why is it you? ㅡ Jeon shivered.

He looked frustrated, distressed.

Park Jimin frowned, confused.

ㅡ An?

ㅡ Why did you come in here? You shouldn't... You, of all people, shouldn't... ㅡ Jungkook sucked in a breath to catch his breath as if he were using a good deal of his strength on something.

Then he took two steps back, back to the shadows of the dark room.

Park Jimin could not understand that attitude, the boy felt lost and somewhat abandoned. It was the first time Jeon had treated him with such ignorance as if he were not welcome.

What had happened to the king's heart in a single night? The boy didn't have an answer to that question. He thought he would be greeted by the other with at least a small smile, or perhaps a conversation about his bizarre horns.

ㅡ Jeon Jungkook... ㅡ The boy muttered, hesitantly, but still feeling tenant sparks heating the veins of his body. ㅡ I'm sorry for the invasion, I didn't know this was your room... But why are you talking to me like that? Like... "Out of all people", why would I be the worst option?

A moment of silence.

ㅡ ...I exceeded myself in my words. I'm sorry... ㅡ Jungkook's voice cut through the darkness. He didn't add anything else then. He seemed to be avoiding prolonging the conversation.

Noticing this, Jimin pursed his lips and lowered his head, annoyed.

Why didn't Jeon tell him what the problem was? Why is it so weird all of a sudden? If I didn't want him there, there must be a reason...

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