|11|♛|Finally, Marked|♛|

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Music from today's chapter
The Wedding

Music from today's chapter The WeddingBy BEAR McCREARY

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Jungkook, where are you?

Park Jimin curled up on his bed, amidst Her Majesty's personal belongings, in a nest of omegas he had unconsciously created.

His fingers tugged at the royal robes and felt the elegant texture, filled with hand-painted designs and embroidery. Every tiny fiber of those clothes seemed to carry the alpha's scent and remnants of his much-desired presence.

Lying in a fetal position, the boy hugged his legs as he received another avalanche of heat, which corroded his veins and caused painful tightness in his groin.

The baggy pants he wore clung with sweat and the clear liquid that began to flood the valley between his buttocks. The breath from his lungs was hot and heavy, and the air around him felt thick, filled with the pheromones released by the boy himself; so the simple act of breathing in seemed difficult.

His mind clouded by fog, Jimin muttered the name of the one who apparently had the answer to all his uncertainties, the remedy for all his ills.

And when the soldiers' cry announced the king's return to the castle, he felt he could take a deep breath again.

Jungkook hasn't really gone away, thought the omega, with different feelings vibrating in his chest.

Jimin braced himself on trembling arms and stretched upward, facing the door and swallowing hard.

When his sensitive nostrils caught the first strands of Jeon Jungkook's scent, the boy was swept away by an intoxicating lightness. Her cheeks and other areas of her body filled with color, blood boiling beneath her pale skin.

Jimin heard the wolf's footsteps, which soon changed into human footsteps. And then the knob turned slowly, opening the big doors with a metallic clatter.

And there was the monarch of those lands, King and Sovereign of Adaman, in his fullness so alluring and stunning that it nearly knocked Park Jimin's chest to the ground.

His Majesty's eyes burned bright red.

ㅡ Jimin... ㅡ He said, still hesitant, still frustratingly restrained.

Jungkook was still wearing the clothes he had worn at the party that night. Dark pants, a white overcoat with red embroidery, silver rings, and black boots. But all the politeness from before seemed to have been tarnished somehow. Strands of hair escaped his hairstyle and the bags under his round eyes were a little too deep.

Of course, none of these details could steal the king's striking beauty, but it gave him a certain touch of wildness that Jimin wasn't used to seeing.

ㅡ Jimin, are you... ㅡ Jungkook locked his nostrils and blinked his eyes several times. His fists closed at his sides.

The smell of the omega was too strong and impossible to ignore.

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