5 | ♛ | The Nobility of Adwan | ♛ |

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It took some time for Park Jimin to return to the spot where Adaman's troops were stationed, resting before returning to the road to Adwan, the kingdom's capital. The boy spent good hours arguing with himself and the goldfish about everything that had happened since the moment he woke up. He also took the opportunity to bathe in the water and cool his head, which still seemed to spin with so much information.

Among so many new and weird things, what most definitely marked him was the capacity of his nostrils. He could feel everything around him as if he had truly obtained the scent of a wolf.

But amid so many intense smells, the remnants of Jeon Jungkook's perfume indescribably disturbed him.

- Maybe I was a little rude to him ... - Jimin muttered to himself, as he cut the grass until he reached the carriage where he had been placed while sleeping in the last few days.

This time he found no alpha on the way, as everyone was already positioned at the front of the retinue, probably beside the king, preparing for the departure. Park came across only Lu Keran while he was analyzing something in a medium thicket, using a lens similar to a large magnifying glass.

- What are you doing? - Jimin asked the healer, finding it interesting enough to distract his conflicting thoughts.

- Si-sir! I ... Ah, I was checking out this bug here, look! - the boy passed the lens to the other boy. Jimin looked through it and visualized a funny worm, very plump and full of yellow hair - I am almost sure that it is a "Golden Hair".

- What?

- It's a very rare kind of worm. We use it in medicine for the elderly, because these little creatures have a substance that slows down the deterioration of muscles - Keran explained excitedly. Jimin got that same sparkle in his eyes when he talked about chemistry.

- Hum, cool. The medicine in this place seems to be a bit advanced - Jimin thought aloud.

Meanwhile, Lu Keran took a glass bottle out of his robe. Very carefully, the healer captured the little worm and locked it inside.

- My master will congratulate me for this - Keran said proudly, shaking the bottle with the pet - Finding a "Golden Hair" is very difficult, and the palace always pays a lot to those who give us these worms.

- Oh yes? It's because? Does the king use this to build muscle and become strong? Do not tell me that there are also people obsessed with exercise ...? - Jimin murmured this last question with a mocking smile.

- Oh, no, sir. We used it to help the king's older brother - Keran said, acquiring a slightly sad expression - He was born with some difficulties, so he is always in need of supplies.

With that, Park Jimin took the smile off his face and looked at the beginning of the line of soldiers, where Jeon Jungkook was probably. He remembered what the young king had said earlier about his older brother, and about the latter being in bed.

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