| 8 |♛| Love Song Between Wolves |♛|

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Before the most dramatic events of Her Majesty's moonlight night, while the Alpha Ode was still vibrating from the musical instruments of the palatial orchestra, Kim Namjoon positioned himself among the guests at the event to watch the couples' choreographies.

With one hand holding a glass of white wine, and the other stroking little Kim Jina's soft hair, Adaman's general gazed across the scene with a serene, nostalgic gaze, and holding a small smile on his lips. In his mind, he recalled the times he had danced to the sound of that ballad with Jina's mother. So every movement of hands and feet seemed to be rooted in her memories.

Unconsciously, her body swayed to that rhythm. Who noticed this act was the little girl beside him.

ㅡ Dad wants to dance? ㅡ Jina asked, her huge brown eyes opening up to him.

A slight blush crept into the general's cheeks. He cleared his throat to regain his haughty pose and took a sip of wine before speaking.

ㅡ I'm just enjoying the music, honey. ㅡ Kim explained.

Jina nodded, understanding, and turned her face to watch a couple dancing right in front of them. Her innocent and inquisitive mind quickly thought of something.

ㅡ Did you dance like that with Mom too? ㅡ She wanted to know, all excited by the idea. Seeing the alphas with their omegas in the middle of the room, so happy and radiating passion, was like watching the infatuated romances personified by their nannies read to the girl just before she went to sleep.

Kim Jina wished that her beloved father had also experienced something so wonderful. It bothered her to see him constantly distant and silent, sometimes crestfallen in his solitude.

Kim Namjoon managed to smile at her daughter's question, as he understood what was going on in her head.

ㅡ Yes, sometimes. ㅡ He replied in a soft tone.

ㅡ Oh. ㅡ Jina loved that information. - And would you like to dance again?

The general didn't think long before answering her.

ㅡ Yes... - His mind was on another plane.

With the statement, the little girl perked up and turned her face to look for a figure in the crowd. After a few minutes of sweeping the room with her eyes, she let out a gasp and walked over to the person wearing a long black gown and who had her red hair combed back in an elegant and attractive way.

That was Lu Keran, and he arched his eyebrows up at the sight of the girl approaching.

- Uncle Lu, come with me! - Jina said as she grabbed his wrist.

- W-what happen, little Jina? - Keran questioned as he was dragged by the girl, but she said nothing, just sealed her lips with a mischievous smile as she pushed her way through the crush of people.

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