| 6 | ♛ | Blue, Red and Gray Blood | ♛ |

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Park Jimin followed Lu Keran's journey through the corners of the royal palace, crossing halls, and long corridors until he reached the stunning gardens of the North wing. As they walked, they spotted groups of nobles talking outdoors and having fun with board games, sitting at the stone tables next to the fountains and rose bushes.

The puffing clothes and full of bright colors of those people, their lupine transformations that sometimes came to their faces, the fountain that splashed water meters above, and the bushes full of flowers in full bloom, made that environment a movie-worthy setting. Fanciful medieval.

Park Jimin almost smiled when he saw so many beautiful things at the same time if he hadn't noticed the disapproving looks he received as soon as he stepped into the gardens.

Not all nobles looked at him that way, of course, but those who did make it clear that they did not like his presence.

"Look, the deceiver", Jimin heard one of them speak, and, accompanied by this, another said: "Why is he still here, even after being unmasked?".

The boy decided to ignore it, sighing deeply. He had no desire to start another mess, because in the end, even if he repeated thousands of times that his intentions in that place were different, those people who judged him would not listen to him. They would only look at Park Jimin as a competitor competing for a place in the king's harem.

When the indifferent countenance on the boy's face almost faded, after he heard another offense between murmurs, Lu Keran pointed to a set of blue flowers next to Jimin and exclaimed, hiding any unpleasant whisper.

- Sir, look at this! I think they maybe useful for your invention. - Keran picked one of the flowers and pulled out its largest petal - They are oceanic roses, they were a gift from the Choi clan to the Great Queen. Their color is very strong and dyes well. You will need something very colorful for your fires, won't you?

Park Jimin found the young healer's attitude very kind, and for that reason, he smiled again as before.

- Thanks, but, if they were a gift to your queen, i think we better not touch them... Except that the Choi clan doesn't seem to like me very much. - Said the boy, remembering the way Patriarch Choi Kangson treated him once back.

- Oh, no, sir. These flowers are used throughout the kingdom, even by the most humble. Here they are born abundantly. It will not be in any way disrespectful. - Lu Keran explained, already folding the sleeves of the red robe to start harvesting some more blue roses.

- Ah, so... Well, the color of the fireworks doesn't work exactly as you think, but it doesn't hurt to try some new substances. Perhaps that blue color of the flower will turn purple during the explosion in the sky. - Jimin thought aloud, running his fingers over the soft petals. Oceanic roses really did look like ordinary roses, but in addition to their unique color, they had a peculiar difference: in its center were small white stems that ended in spirals and released pollen. A grace.

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