Chapter 1

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Heyyyyyy everyone cx So how are my wolf pups doing? New story! Sequel to Alphas Mate. Comment-Follow or whatever lol i need help too cx This story might be short idk. Remember: listen to the song of the day at the most best times in the chapters.

Mikayla's POV

I gritted my teeth as the sickening laugh of the tall jock, whose name was Mike, kicked me. Suddenly I heard a roar and surprisingly, a large grayish-blonde wolf with blue eyes tackled Mike. It was Ace, my savior, my brother. I coughed and tasted blood. Ace snarled and shoved Mike into the wall, his teeth gleaming. Humans shrieked in fear, some gasped and stated "Not again!"

Ace padded over to me and nuzzled me, whimpering. I hugged his fluffy neck, crying. I could hear his voice in my head

Sis, don't cry. You're going to meet your wolf today, she wouldnt want you crying. It's ok, sis. They wont hurt you. They wont touch you.

His thoughts were very graphic. The voice was tinged with protectiveness. The bell rang, and I was dragged out of school. Ace looked at me, his eyes worried. He eyed the cuts on my wrist and growled sadly.

Sis, don't do that. Please.

I stared at the floor as I stood up, wiping tears from my eyes. We were in the woods, and I stared at the place we were at. It was a beautifully hidden place. We were in the middle of a meadow, and there was a cave that could fit five people, with furniture included. There was a pond, with beautiful lillies and swimming in the clear blue water were gorgeous koi. There were some old paw prints from dad and another wolf, im suggesting mom, along with some old jet black hairs on the furniture.

I sighed and I felt a dull, aching pain. It grew greater until I saw my hand. With a lous snap, it morphed into something hideous. I let out a pain-filled scream and Ace nuzzled the back of my neck reassuringly. My limbs and torso twisted into odd shapes and I closed my eyes, begging for the pain to stop. I didnt know how long I was sprawled on the floor, Ace by my side.


He nudged me, sending tingles of pain throughout my side. I looked up to see a long black-almost midnight black- muzzle in front of me. My muzzle! I realized, with a jolt. My vision was enhanced, but the colors were more vivid than usual. I shakily stood up on all fours, and found I was as tall as Ace.

He gave me a wolfy grin, tilting his head. I snorted, and took a hesitant step. Energy filled my body. I wanted to run. I coiled my sleek, graceful body and lunged, playfully tackling Ace. We tumbled and nipped, gleefully wagging our tails. I didnt feel the eyes of someone glaring through the underbrush, though.


I narrowed my eyes as I saw the black wolf tackle the grayish-blonde wolf. My father, a muddy brown shaggy wolf, looked at me, puckered scars mutilating his face. He snarled, some teeth missing.

Packers. He spat.

I growled, my father's hatred shrouding the area in a tensed aura. The she-wolf was a new-shifter. She would be easy to get rid of. The male... not so sure. I looked to my dad.

Ready, Niko? He looked down at me, expectant. I growled, because he got my name wrong.... Called me by my brother's name.... but this only proved that the rumors of me being adopted were true.

I ignored my wolf's pleading not to go fight the she-wolf, that I would regret it later. I ignored him and crouched, my long, black-streaked honey blonde hair swishing side to side.

Lets go. I hissed, my reddish-brown eyes turning a darker shade.

With a howl, we burst out, tackling our targets. I felt my body strain as ice-water flooded through my veins. My wolf was shrieking at me. I looked into lovely crimson eyes. Wait- lovely? I looked to my father, who was glaring at me. He couldnt understand why I didnt kill this wolf like I did to the thousands of others.


He growled softly. I looked helplessly at him. Suddenly, the grey-blonde wolf snarled in surprise as his eyes widened in recognition. I turned down to my victim, who was whimpering and oily tears were running down her face. I felt a deep ache, and almost cried out to her. I felt so conflicted, why the hell havent I felt my teeth ripping into her flesh, her warm blood joyously filling my mouth? My father growled, more pissed off than ever. I was keeping him from a kill, something he hated. I turned back to the she-wolf, and finally heard what my wolf was saying.... it was one word that'll change my life...

"Mate." We both whispered, shocked.


I almost fainted as the scent hit me. It was my father! But wait, why is he brown? And why does he want to kill me? And who is that other wolf? This wasnt my father, maybe some sort of twisted trick? I snarled and the shaggy brown wolf clicked his teeth on a harsh snap. With a heave, I flipped us over.

Mikayla?! Are you ok?! I snarled, my wolf taking over.

M-mate..... why are y-you....?The thought ran in her mind over and over. She was hurt, I could feel the intensity of the pain over our link. Sad whimpers rolled off of her tongue as she nuzzled him closely.

The wolf on top of her was frozen. He looked like he was having an internal struggle.

Time slowed as I breathed in the scent of the shaggy brown wolf. Suddenly, everything flashed. I saw a midnight black wolf with gentle green eyes. She trotted up to me, smiling sadly. She nuzzled me, and I recognized her scent. Mum... I sighed. She was beautiful... I vaguely remembered her scent, and now I was looking at her. If this was her.

My son... she sighed happily, nuzzling me even more.

Mum... I sighed, licking her. I felt tears drip off of my face as I leaned into her soft black fur, feeling her warmth.

Suddenly, she was gone. I jerked up as the shaggy brown wolf growled, breaking my concentration. There was a lump in my throat. I choked as the brown wolf glared at me, teeth bared. Only a couple of seconds had passed. Mikayla was still pinned, and the golden wolf standing above her stepped off. He looked at her, and nuzzled her forehead. The brown wolf seethed. I did too. First this wolf would try to kill her, now he's buttering her up?! With a roar, I clamped my teeth on the shaggy brown wolfs shoulder and yanked, shredding the bloody slab of flesh. He screamed and squirmed under my body weight. Mikayla turned, along with the golden wolf.

He snarled at me as I growled at him, and I lunged off of him, snagging Mikayla and leaping off. She yelped as I threw her over my shoulder, running with great bursts of speed. She growled in anger as her face was whipped with branches. I ignored her as we entered my old pack's boundaries, the Black Shadow's Pack.


Heyo! Hows everyone doing? Was this chappie good? Whoo I am starting a sequel!!!!!!

Song of the day: Just a Dream.

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