Chapter 15

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We are now halfway through the Alpha's Mate sequel DX ik, I cry too. I might reedit Alpha's Mate but eh I'm lazy. I just want to tell you all that no matter what, you are special.

Mikayla's POV

I stared at the back of the building, paws kneading the ground nervously. All of our lives were on the line.

Waiting for the signal. Section one, in position? I called.

Affirmative. Section 2? Jason said.

In position. Section 3? Max barked.

Locked and loaded. Nick confirmed.

Okay, backup, are you prepared? I ordered.

All set and ready to go. Koda growled.

Get ready.... and... go. I roared. We waited for Nick and Ace. When there was barking, snarling, and screaming, I ordered Section 1 and 2. They rushed in and more screaming. Then we saw all three sections being chased by almost all of the rogues.

I looked at Da. Now.

We silently jumped through a broken window.

Mikayla! Da lunged and tackled a wolf that had came out of nowhere. He tore its' throat out and we ran upstairs.

Three more rogues came down and tackled us. I snarled and slammed one in the wall. He screamed and snapped his neck. Da took care of the other two. When we reached the top floor, it was empty.

It might be a trap. Hold on. I growled and sunk low to the ground, crawling around cautiously. Suddenly, I was surrounded by fived rogues.

Shit! Call backup now! I yelped and the rogues lunged. I heard Da calling backup and in seconds he was beside me, ripping into rogues. I felt the sharp pain of teeth in my shoulder and I swung the rogue into another attacking rogue. Snarling, I clamped on one's muzzle and heard it snap. Delicate flesh snapped in half and blood gushed in my mouth.

"Enough." A deep voice boomed. We all froze. The lights flickered, and it was dark around us. The only light was the ceiling light pouring on us.

"Take Blake away." The same snakelike voice growled. Blake was dragged by the remaining rogues. He snarled and yowled curses. I took a step towards Da.

"I wouldn't, if I were you." I heard the chamber of a gun click.

I froze.

"Ah, the infamous Mikayla Stevens. Welcome to my humble abode. I must say, you pack quite a punch. Just like your father." His voice was as smooth as silk.

I growled as I saw two brown eyes burn into me. The man stepped out, and I nearly fainted.

The man's face was full of puckered scars. He looked similar to Da, but his face was horrifying. He was smaller, too. I felt fear clench at my gut.

Don't worry, backup is coming. I whispered to myself.

"Do you not realize who I am?" He purred.

I didn't answer.

"Oh, my apologies, you cannot speak. Here." He carelessly tossed some clothes to me. I refused to shift.

"Shift, dammit!" He roared. In a flash, he had the gun pointed to my face.

Da roared with anger.

I opened my jaws and uttered a slurred "Do it." The gun shook.

The man swiftly put the gun to Da's face. He was in a muzzle and snarled. My face contorted with pain, but I shifted and put the clothes on.

"That's better. Now, who am I?" He put a clawed hand to my face.

"Nobody important." I spat.

Anger crossed his face. He smacked me. I fell to the floor, filling blood fill my cheek.

"Don't you disrespect me, bitch!" He snapped. Then, in a flash, the sickly sweet smile was back.

"I am Kevin. Your Da's brother." He purred.

I felt bile fill my throat. "Y-you." I growled.

"Yessssss. Me." He was grossly entertained.

"You killed m-mum." I whispered, my body going numb.

"That indeed." He said casually.

"Why?!" Tears filled me eyes and I clenched my hands.

"Don't you see it, girl?! Your father killed my mate! Your mother was part of it! They both deserve to die! They took something away from me! They're murderers." He hissed.

"Only because of you!" I accused angrily. Quick as a flash, Kevin whipped the gun out and shot my foot. My ears rang with the noise and I heard a scream of pain. I realized it was mine. My foot throbbed and burned like hell as the bullet went through, into the floorboards. Da went nuts, snarling with a rabid look in his eyes. I growled at him.

"Let's play.... a little game." He purred.

He brought out a game board. I was confused. What the hell.

"Roll the dice. Play the game, like Monopoly. Every square has a card underneath. When you land On a square, pick up the card. Then I will roll this," he held up a ball with a bunch of pieces of paper in it, "and pick either your or your fathers name. The activity on that will be used on either you or him. It's fun. " he snarled.

"No." I growled.

"You better!" He snarled and shot at my dad. It missed him by an inch. I swallowed angrily and shakily picked the dice up.

"There we go... good girl." He cooed.

I rolled the dice. Two. I landed on the two and picked up the card. It said:

One nail pulled off of the right hand.

I swallowed shakily and gave him the card.

"Ah, smart choice." He giggled like a kid and rolled the ball. A small slip of paper fell. I read the name.



Nuuuuuuu oh no! Where is backup?! Erghhh! *cries*

SOTD: Headstrong by Trapt

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