Chapter 11

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Ughhh I hate training too! CX well, idk if this story is a bit too short, idk. If it is ill make the last chapter 5000 words or something CX jus for my lovelies!

Mikayla's POV

Hup 1. Hup 2. Hup 3. Come on, wolves! Crouch, roll, leap, repeat. Its not rocket science! I coached. Many stumbled.

You do it then! Someone growled crankily. Damien snarled at them.

Fine. Damien? I looked pointedly at him.

Hup 1. Hup 2. Hup 3. He repeated.

I swiftly crouched, then rolled, and gracefully leapt to my feet. The wolf who had called me out stared at me in amazement as I did twenty of them. I stood up, slightly panting.

Any more insults, or will you all do as you're told? I glared.

Yes, Luna. They said.

Good. Hup 1. Hup 2. Hup 3. I drilled them over and over. Soon, they had the hang of it.

Five minute break! I called. It had been over two hours. The wolves were exhausted. Make it ten. I called. They sighed in relief and ran to the water bowls. We had to constantly refill the bowls. Some were starving even. Hmm.

Damien. I called him, only him. He trotted up, tongue hanging out and his eyes bright.

Yes, Love? He nuzzled me. I sighed as sparks ran down my side.

Can you get me something to eat? I'm starving. I said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

Of course! And he zoomed off.

Minutes later he came back with a bucket of KFC. I grinned a wolfy grin as he had grease on his face. Instantly, all attention was on me as he set the bucket down.

Luna! Luna! Feed me! Many begged.

If you want chicken, do the pushups! I called. They all bolted into their lines and were more than happy to comply. I chuckled to myself as they reached twenty.

Do one hundred. I said, joining them. Wolves doing pushups looked weird. We looked like we were going to lay down, and then jumped up. They were more lunge type of things. I called them Wolf Pushups.

When the wolves reached a hundred, I nodded to the box. They ripped it apart. Am I too harsh? I wondered.

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