The Games I Play

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The hosts clap. "Beautiful!" Jade exclaimed through tears, still not over Marvin and Whizzer's breakup. (and i will never be over it 😭✌🏽)

I don't look for trouble
I do not accept blame
I've a good and a bad side
But they're one and the same
Ask me to arouse you

Cordelia raised her eyebrows.

I will rise and obey

Cordelia gave a look to her best friend, who gave her one back.

These are the games I play

I screw every morning

Jason groaned, rolling his eyes. The hosts laugh.

Then bathe and drink tea
I been playing canasta
All my recreation seems to suit me okay
These are the games I play

It's tough with love

"Aye!" Jade said, raising their drink towards the screen.

Love's tough to show
Let me face the music
It's a song that I was waiting to hear so long
So long ago

I bet on the horses
I die by degree
I am sure his divorce is
A tribute to me

Trina huffed out a laugh.

Ask me if I love him

Marvin raised his eyebrow at Whizzer.

It depends on the day

Marvin's expression dropped and turned into fake offence. Whizzer laughed and kissed him

These are the games I play

It's tough, my friend
Love's looking strong
Play again the music
It's a song that I been waiting to hear
For much too long
Years, years too long

Jade and Issie are crying again cause that's what Andrew Rannells does to you.

It hurts not to love him
It hurts when love fades

Marvin frowned, pulling Whizzer closer and kissing the top of his head.

It's hard when part of him
Is off playing family charades

Marvin once again was hating his past self.

Ask me if I need him
Get him out of my way
These are
These are the games
These are the games
These are the only games I play

The group applauded, Jade being the loudest.

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