Holding to the Ground

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I was sure growing up I would live the life
My mother assumed I'd live
Very Jewish, very middle-class, and very straight

Marvin, Whizzer, Charlotte, and Cordelia laughed.

Where healthy men stayed healthy men

(is this supposed to be about whizzer or 🤨??)

And marriages were long and great
I smile, I don't complain

I'm trying to keep sane as the rules keep changing
Families aren't what they were
Thank God there's a husband and a child
Whom I adore

Trina, Mendel, and Jason smiled at each other. (stan the weisenbachfeld's for clear skin 🤩✨)

But then there's more
So many more
There's always more

Life is never what you planned
Life is moments you can't understand
And that is life

In the background, they can see the other actors setting up the stage to look like a hospital room.

I'm plain, I don't astound

I hold to the ground
As the ground keeps shifting
Keeping my balance square
Trying not to care about this man who Marvin loves

Whizzer let out an offended gasp, which caused the room to laugh; lighting the mood slightly.

But that's my life
He shared my life
Yes, that's my life

Life is never what you planned
Life is moments you can't understand

Charlotte's Actress walks on behind Trina, followed by Marvin's who is helping Whizzer's.

The room went silent and emotional again. Jason shifted in awkwardly in his seat, not wanting to see his step-dad like that again. Marvin pulled Whizzer closer, if that was even possible.

And that is life

Holding to the ground
As the ground keeps shifting
Trying to keep sane
As the rules keep changing
Keeping up my head
As my heart falls out of sight
Everything will be all right

"How many times are you gonna say that?" Jade asked through tears, grabbing a spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream. Issie taps their back sympathetically.

Everything will be all right

The music for the next sounded up beat, which made people sit up in their seats.

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