Sending them back

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Jade and Issie applauded quietly while trying to stop their tears.

Everyone got up to stretch their legs and talk about what they had just watched. Jade and Issie went round cleaning up. After about ten minutes, they were done. They noticed the group was still slightly crying. "What's up?" Jade asked, frowning.

"We're just," Cordelia paused. "Preparing to say goodbye to Whizz again." Jade went wide eyed and facepalmed while Issie chuckled.

"I forgot to tell them because I was too busy crying." Jade mumbled.

"Tell us what?" Jason asked, having good hearing.

Issie smiled, "We're sending you guys back to an alternate universe where Whizzer survives." Marvin's eyes widened and he felt Whizzer grab his hand.

"Wait, seriously?" He asked. The hosts nodded.

"Will we remember this?" Trina questioned.

"Uh no," Jade answered. "Don't want you guys living with the knowledge of Whizzer dying cause that's painful as hell." Issie laughed at them.

"Yeah, everything that has happened in your life will have happened, you'll remember that," She started. "But then Whizzer will survive instead of dying at Jason's Bar Mitzvah." Jason smiled and hugged Whizzer. Slowly, the rest of the group joined the hug. Jade and Issie smiled at them before being pulled into it by Charlotte; The two laughing as she did so.

They eventually pulled out of the hug and Jade went to grab their remote. When they came back, everyone was smiling, ready to go back to their world- well, a different version of their world. "Bye bye!" Jade said happily while pressing the button. The Tight-Knit Family waved at the hosts before a bright white light appeared and they where gone. The hosts smiled at each other.

Goodbye Falsettos...

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