What Would I Do?

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The room was silent, the only thing that was heard was people's sniffles and/or cries.

What would I do

Jade mumbles, "Oh God..." the same time Issie mumbles, "Oh boy, here we go..."

If I had not met you?
Who would I blame my life on?
Once I was told
That all men get what they deserve
Who the hell then threw this curve?

Sniffles where heard around the room.

There are no answers
But who would I be
If you had not been my friend?

Whizzer moved himself closer to Marvin, grabbing a tissue.

You're the only one
One out of a thousand others
Only one my child would allow

Jason and Whizzer look at each other, sad smiles on their face, before Jason gets out of his seat and hugs Whizzer; both of them slightly crying.

When I'm having fun
You're the one I wanna talk to
Where have you been?
Where are you now?

Jason and Whizzer pull out of the hug and wipe their tears. Jason sits back down, and Marvin pulls Whizzer back into his arms.

Who would I be
If I had not loved you?

Marvin and Whizzer smile at each other, Marvin pulling his lover into a kiss. (which causes the hosts to squeal but we're not gonna mention that.)

How would I know what love is?

Jade sniffled and wiped their tears,, which was useless because they kept falling but whatever.

God only knows, too soon
I'll remember your faults
Meanwhile, though, it's tears and schmaltz

There are no answers
But what would I do
If you had not been my friend?

All your life you've wanted men

The audience, minus the hosts, let out shocked noises, surprised Whizzer is in this song.

And when you got it up to have them
Who knew it could end your life?

I left my kid and left my wife

Marvin gave Trina an apologetic smile, she shakes her head and waves him off. Having already accepted his apology.

To be with you
To be insulted by such handsome men

Whizzer let out a quiet chuckle.

Do you regret—?

I'd do it again
I'd like to believe that I'd do it again
And again and again...

"I would, you know?" Marvin whispered. His lover hummed in question, moving his head off Marvin's shoulder to look him in the eye. "I'd do that entire thing again if it meant I could have you."

Whizzer felt tears lining his eyes. "Me too..." He whispered. Marvin kissed him on the head. "I love you."

"I love you too, Whiz." Said man smiled and laid his head back down on his boyfriend's shoulder.

What more can I say?

What more can I say?

How am I to face tomorrow?

After being screwed out of today
Tell me what's in store

Yes, I'd beg or steal or borrow
If I could hold you for
One hour more

"Someone give him his one hour more right now!" Jade shouted through tears. Issie pulled them into a hug.

One hour more

One hour more

One hour more

One hour, one hour more

What would I do

What would I do

If I had not seen you?

If I had not seen you?

(god damn it, they sound so good together 😭)

Who would I feast my eyes on?
Once I was told
That good men get better with age

We're just gonna skip that stage

Jade and Issie let out a sob, still hugging. (the most emotional line in the show, if not this song istg)

There are no answers
But what would I do
If you hadn't been my friend?

There are no answers
But what would I do...

Cordelia let out a whistle at the vocals of her best friend on stage, Whizzer smiling.

No simple answers
But what would I do
If you had not been
My friend?
My friend
My friend

(the fact he repeats 'my friend' expecting whizzer to repeat it, but he doesn't, just breaks me 😔)

[Whizzer exits and the rest of the cast enters]

"Okay final song! We can do this guys!" Issie says. Jade pulled out the hug.

"I can't!" They wipe their tears.

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