I'm Breaking Down

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For the first time, no one spoke while waiting for the next song.

The actors for Marvin, Whizzer, Mendel, and Jason set the stage up for the next song.

Trina enters the stage, dressed in a cooking apron. She's holding two bowls, a chopping board, and a cookbook.

Whizzer raises his eyebrows.

I'd like to be a princess on a throne
To have a country I can call my own
And a king
Who's lusty and requires a fling
With a female thing

Great, men will be men
Let me turn on the gas
I caught them in the den

"Them?" Cordelia questioned.

Marvin grabbing Whizzer's ass

Cordelia choked, "What?! She caught you?" Whizzer opened his mouth to say something but closed it straight after. "Oh my god!" His best friend laughed.

Oh sure, I'm sure, he's sure he did his best
I mean he meant to be what he was not
The things he was are things which I forgot
He's a queen
I'm a queen
Where is my crown?

She grabs one of the bowls and places it on her head.

Jade snorts, Issie whacks their arm.

I'm breaking down

The group looked at Trina with sad faces but she just looked at the floor.

I'm breaking down
My life's not pretty

"Same." Came a comment from where the hosts sat.

And my kid seems like an idiot to me

Jason lets out an offended gasp.

She puts the bowl back down.

I mean that's sick
I mean he's great

"Love you too mom." Jason said with a smile, rolling his eyes.

It's me who is the matter
Talking madder
Than the maddest hatter

If I repeat one more word
I swear I'll lose my brain
Oh, what else should I explain?
Oh, yes it's true
I can cry on cue

"Me too." Jade said. "And that's on depression."

But so can you

I'm breaking down
I'm breaking down
Down, down
You ask me "Is it fun to cry over nothing?"
It is, I'm breaking down

No, no! I don't have time for a break down now, I've gotta get back to my banana, carrot surprise.

She grabs a banana.

Okay...This isn't my first bris.

"Hah!" Cordelia laughs.

Just the tip!

She cuts the end of the banana off.

Awe, what the heck?!

She then starts chopping it quite violently.

"Jesus, calm down Trina!" Issie calls out.

Now let's consider what I might do next
I hate admitting I've become perplexed
I'm bereaved
I've cried, I've shook, I've yelled, I've heaved

Marvin sighed, hating the fact his past self made Trina feel like this.

I have been deceived

As enemies go
Whizzer is not so bad

"Nice to know you didn't hate me that much."

It's just he's so damn happy
That it makes me so damn mad


I want to hate him but I really can't

"Thank you?"

"Whizzer be quiet for now." Cordelia whispered.

It's like a nightmare how this all proceeds
I hope that Whizzer don't fulfill his needs

She starts waving the carrot she has in her hand.

Cordelia starts laughing even more.

Don't is wrong
Sing along
What was the noun?

I'm breaking down
I'm breaking down
I'll soon redecorate these stalls
I'd like some padding on the walls
And also pills
I wanna sleep

"God, me too..." Jade sighed. Issie side hugged them.

Sure, things'll probably worsen
But it's not like I'm some healthy person

I've rethought my talks with Marv
And one fact does emerge
I think I like his shrink

Mendel smiles, looking up at Trina. (in case y'all forgot, his head is on her leg)

So that is why I might turn to drink
I'm on the brink

Mendel's smile fell and he frowned/pouted, Trina noticed and laughed. "Don't take offence honey." She told him.

Of breaking down
I'm breaking down
Down, down
I only want to love a man who can love me....
Or like me...
Or help me...
Help me!

(why does this part remind of the vine where the guys like "it's finals week, y'know what that means. help. help. help. someone help. help."??)

Marvin was never mine
He took his meetings in the boys' latrine
I used to cry
He'd make a scene
I'd rather die
Than dry-clean
Marvin's wedding gown

"You have a-"

"It's a metaphor Whiz." Jade cut him off.

I'm breaking down
I'm breaking down
It's so upsetting when you've found
That what's rectangular is round
I mean it stinks
I mean he's queer

Whizzer and Cordelia cheered again, while Marvin and Charlotte stare fondly at them.

And me, I'm just a freak
Who needs it maybe every other week

Jade and Issie cringed slightly, troubles with being Asexual.

I've rethought the fun we've had
And one fact does emerge:
I've played the foolish clown
The almost virgin who sing this dirge
Is on the verge

Of breaking down
I'm breaking down
Down, down
The only thing that's breaking up is my family

Whizzer laughed, "Hah!" Marvin hit his arm. "Sorry.."

The only thing that's breaking up is my family
But me, I'm breaking down

Jade and Issie cheered. "And with a banana in her mouth!! Queen!" Jade shouted.

Issie scoffed, "How did Stephanie not win a Tony for this role? I swear to god."

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