Father to Son

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The group cheered because wow, those harmonies tho! Jade and Issie groaned and slumped in their seat,, this is their least favourite song.

My father says that love
Is the most beautiful thing in the world
I think girls are

Cordelia raised her eyebrows, "He said chess last time."

"Development!" Jade sarcastically cheered.

I think girls are the most
Beautiful thing
Not love

Kid, be my son
What I've done to you is rotten
Say, I was scared
I kept marching in one place
Marching in time
To a tune I'd forgotten

I loved you, I love you

Marvin and Jason, once again, smiled at each other.

I meant no disgrace
This here is love
When we're talking
Face to face

It was silent in the theatre, no dared to speak.

Father to son
I, for one, would take love slower
I've made my choice
You can sing a different song
Watch as you sing
How your voice gets much lower

You'll be, kid, a man, kid
If nothing goes wrong
Sing for yourself
As you march

Everyone had tears in their eyes, Issie and Jade included. Even though they hate the song, it still makes them cry.

A man, kid, you'll be, kid
Whatever your song
Sing for us all
As we march

On Stage Marvin and Jason hug and the light go off.

Everyone in the theatre applaud. "Is that the end?" Charlotte asked.

"Of act one yeah." Issie replies.

Jade chimes in, "Yeah it's break now, I gotta prepare myself for act two. Food and shit is up here if you want any." And with that, the others came up the stairs to the food and drinks table.

(decided i'm not doing an intermission but i am struggling on thinking of how to end this, like with sending them back,, what do i do with whizzer 😃)

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