Jared was the Imposter ?

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The gunshot sounded through the halls. Jared lie on the floor, dead, whilst Alana still stood, rooted firmly to her spot.
"I told you!" Her finger was pointed at Evan. "He was obviously the Imposter!" Suddenly, her whole body began to shake. She now realized what she'd been doing, how she killed someone just to prove a point. She felt ashamed, of herself for only wanting to prove something, and of Jared, for killing so many people.

Long wait?

This is boring....

Wanna chitchat?

Okay I guess not...

(Sike, bitch you thought)
Anyway, hello! I'm Jazzy, the author, and decided I needed to write this chapter as to clear up a few things for myself. This chapter will somewhat be about lore, these AUs, and I'm still questioning a few things for future stories.
First of all: This AU. And no, that doesn't mean Among Us.
This AU is specifically inspired by Ottomated. Like I've mentioned in a past chapter, Otto is a seventeen year old who has made a mod for Among Us. Extremely talented, and this AU probably wouldn't exist without their mod.
Also, I am planning to make more musical works for this AU. It will be a series, but I don't know many musicals. There are only so many I can watch without not losing my interest for another. They are:
Heathers, Mean Girls, Hamilton, DEH, Ameliè (I don't know if I will create an AU for this musical yet), and some of Be More Chill. I might need some help with that one though, I don't know much of it haha.
That why I exist haha
Another thing is that I'm really into Offline TV and friends, specifically the Amigops. They are people whom the mod was made for, and I love watching their YouTube videos. I'm gonna be completely honest, I wanted to make an AU for them, but I don't know yet. They're real people with real feelings, not just characters, so I'm really skeptic about it. Don't be surprised if you see me make one lol.
Second of all: Lore.
Obviously, the Sheriff cannot kill Crewmate without dying. What about other special roles, you may ask. Well, if you look inside the bullet, there will be a tiny message scrawled upon it. For example: If Alana killed Connor thinking he was the Imposter, they would both die. The Crew would be able to check the bullet, and the bullet would say he was the Snitch.
Another thing: The Detective and the Guardian role is now available in this AU. By the time this AU was made, the Detective role didn't exist and I was still contemplating whether the Guardian role should be in the AU. Now that Detective exists, I am going to put it in this AU. And for Guardian, I was just like 'fuck it.' So yeah! In the next AU, expect to see a Guardian and a Detective.
Finally; Future Stories.
I low key want to make a Little Nightmares au with the Amigops (yes I'm obsessed). If you're a fan of the Amigops, you've probably seen the image with them as children from Little Nightmares. Will I? Still debating.
Next: I was wondering whether I should reveal everyone's roles. This was more of a practice run for the next AUs I'll make for this series, but I'm not sure yet. Who knows? Maybe one day, I'll rewrite this, change the roles, and not reveal them. I'm pretty sure that for future stories, I will not reveal them, so be prepared (:
Anyway, that's the end of this chapter! Sorry that updates are kinda sporadic. I'll be sure to work on this at least once a week.
~Sincerely, Jazzy.
(620 words)

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