Chapter 6: The monster in the lake

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Two years after reincarnating as a dragon, and I've only made it to stage 2.

Well, it's to be expected, evolving is meant to be a hard process.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of the creatures on the planet right now are only around stage 1 or 2.

What would human's be considered in monster terms?

Ah, well, it doesn't matter much.

I wonder when humans will start emerge?~

I've been feeling lonely all this time, with only that shitty god to keep me company.

After living on this world for so long, I've come notice just how low the life is.

Sure, it sounds like there's a lot, but comparing our world to this one, there's definitely a big difference.

I've only ever come across life every three months or so.

It's quite surprising really.

Well, beside that, I've been living a very relaxing life, with only some notable things happening every now and then.

Until one day though, I got curious about what was at the bottom of the lake where I call home.

At first, I dumped rocks and pebbles in it, but nothing happened.

then, took some bigger rocks in it, but still nothing.

Then, I dumped a decent sized boulder that was around human size into the lake, but still nothing.

I was starting to feel like I was being an idiot.

Until, that is, a big change occured in the lake, first it was just a rumble, but then it turned into a splash that rose high into the air.

Once the water had died down, I noticed the creature that had arisen.

Long, snake-like body, with slippery blue skin and fan-like fins that jut out of the side of it's head.

It was one would call, a Sea Serpent.

"Holy shit." I muttered, taken aback by the enormous creatures size.

Just how big was that lake?

Seriously, this thing was bigger than area I marked as my territory.

And that was enough space to be considered a village.

And this guy is just twice the size of that in length alone.

What the fuck, god.

While my brain was struggling to comprehend the absoulute difference in our sizes, the Sea Serpent looked at me extremely enraged.

It didn't look like it was here to just talk either, if it could even do that.

After realizing that the big guy was about to wreck me, I high tailed the fuck out of there not even daring to look back and see the massive destruction that was being done as the massive creature simply leaned and combed it's way through the forest.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" I shouted at the top of my lungs while I used all the strength I could muster to run as fast as I could.

Unfortunately, for me, I mostly lazed about all day for the past two years, so I wasn't what one would call the most fit.

Even worse, the big guy behind me was barely even trying to move to chase me and was still keeping pace.

What the actual fuck happened down there?

I soon came to a halting stop in my tracks as I realized I'd been cornered on a cliff.

"What a fucking cliche move. I swear if I live through this, I'm blaming that shitty god for all this." I cursed and spewed hateful words to no one in particular as I waited for my inevitible death.

I could see the cocky smirk plastered on the Sea Serpents face as it inched closer and closer, until right when It got up in my face, then something unexpected happened.

It stopped.

Both it and I were shocked.

I ran all the way to this cliff, and that tiny bit of space I was on, was just farther than the Sea Serpent could reach.

Even as the beat breathed onto my body, I began to feel extremely joyful.

Every fiber of my being that was on the verge of death felt rejuvenated.

A new vigor welled up within me, a mocking mentality rose up within my mind.

And with that, I began to taunt the Sea Serpent.

It didn't take kindly to that, but there was little it could do to me now.

I continued to mock and pester it, even tempting it a few times by stretching a leg or my tail out just barely within reach.

Only for me to yank it away the moment I sensed the beast move.

I quickly became more and more arrogant as I danced and fooled around with the beast more and more.

Eventually, all the humiliation I had done to it had accumulated over the course of a few hours, and at the end, It couldn't take it anymore, so It gave up on staying in the lake, and lunged it's body foward with it's mouth wide open.

As I stared into the deep red mouth of the beast, I used all my effort to duck as close to the ground as I could get, and simply waited and hoped for my plan to work.

I could feel the heavy air pressing down on my body and the tingling feeling of something incredible fly over my entire being.

After what felt like an hour, I didn't feel or hear any sign of the creature that was before me.

I looked up, and found nothing there.

I had done it, I'd successfully outmaneuvered a fucking giant like I'd seen on those cartoons I used to watch as a child.

Not that I planned it to go this way, but still.

I just lived out somebodies dream, that's for sure.

I checked down the edge of the cliff, making sure not to fall, but I could not see a corpse at all.

That huge beast, and yet no corpse?

I had two theories, and neither I liked.

Either that sonuvabitch lived, or whatever was down there was far worse than where I am now.

Either way, it didn't matter for now.

I went home retracing the path of destruction the Sea Serpent caused, and took the rest of the day to nap.

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