The Water Summons

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I watched as he walked towards me down the hallway. This time, I was sure he'd see me and call me out, but to my surprise, he didn't. He strolled on past.

It was so strange, how my heart always sped up around him. He's a cold-hearted murderer and I'm falling for him. There must be something wrong with me.

I snap out of my thoughts, realizing I'd already almost lost sight of him. I hopped up, grabbing my purse and following him from a distance.

He walked outside, following along the sidewalk with his hood pulled up. Surprisingly, a lot of people were out, and I was grateful I'd remembered to put on a disguise. I glanced down, feeling my cheap phone buzz, to see a message from 'Brain1'. I ignore it, looking up only to find that Logan has disappeared.

I need to remember never to look down.

I slowly walk foreword, stepping into the woods near the sidewalk inconspicuously. I look around, but he's still nowhere to be seen.

"I have no idea how you're a secret agent."

That was definitely Logan.

"Just get out here, I know it's you-" I stop, slowly turning around. He's right behind me.

I shove him away. "Don't scare me like that!" I say, trying to stop myself from smiling before I realized I had touched his chest and a grin broke out on my face.

I have a problem.

"Couldn't help but notice how poorly you followed me. Maybe I should help you?" he had barely moved when I shoved him, and was smiling at me.

At me.

"Help me... What?" I still failed to wipe the smile of my face, and it only made it harder as he was smiling at me. "Help you be a better spy, genius, even a dumb person could've spotted you. Your walk is distinctive, your manner is distinctive, you need to learn how to better disguise yourself," he pulled his hood down, thankfully, it always made me uncomfortable.

Wait a second, no, he should put his hood back on, I might have a heart attack for how fast my heart is now beating.

"C'mon, people can see you where you're standing, you're gonna blow your cover," he turned around, putting his hands in his pockets and walking deeper into the woods. I was frozen for a full eternity which lasted about thirty seconds before I snapped out of it and followed him.

I seriously have a problem.

He kept walking, and I just had to hope he knew where he was going. He finally stopped in a clearing, it wasn't very big, but it had a small pool of water that was like a small pond, but the water was crystal clear and quite beautiful. He sat down at the edge of the pool, looking down at his reflection. I guess he was thinking, I don't really know, but I was scared to move for a minute. Eventually he stood up and turned around. "This water, it's not just water. There's scrolls about it and they all read 'the water summons'," he looks back at the water, almost wishfully.

But I didn't think it was possible for him to want things until then, he seemed so content.

He smiled a little, looking back over me as the trees on one side of the clearing started to rattle.

Someone was coming.

At first, I went to to grab my knife, which was the only weapon on me, until I realized that Logan was relaxed. He was simple leaning against a tree, watching the underbrush rattle as someone approached the clearing.

And then a boy that looked about 15 and had bright red hair hopped into the clearing, a huge smile on his face.

He seemed way too happy, in particularly compared to the older boy who followed after.

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