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So, I drove home, kinda freaked out that Mysterious Mark magically disappeared after I kicked him out on the side of the road because he frustrated me by reading my mind.

Now. Who's gonna believe that?

No one. That's who.

So where do I tell peoples he went?

Foreverland. I'll just say foreverland.

Because that's a lot more believable than the actual story.

Which is ironic, really.

But whatever.

I drove home, delivering the groceries and going upstairs to go to sleep.

Sleep is a wonderful thing.

I woke up the next morning, according to the clock by my bed, and lugged myself up and off to the pool, where Mark had been waiting. After enduring the very physically exerting- who am I kidding, it was just painful- lesson with him, I started lugging myself back towards the Thesis.

But I didn't really make it that far.

Because as I was walking, Roy suddenly is hanging upside down in front of me. From a tree.

And it scared me.

So I jumped back and screamed.

Causing him to laugh so hard that he just fell out of the tree.

Good job, me. I'm so fabulous and brave.

Eventually, wiping a tear from his face," he stood up, then being thrown into another fit of giggles.


He's cute.

Not like Logan.

And not like Mark.

He's just... Childish. I miss childish.

He finally pulled himself together. "Wow, that was," he paused, pushing his hair out of his face. "That was just wow," he laughed a little again. "Thanks. Can I help you?" I cross my arms, but, seeing his face, I can't help but to smile.

He's squishy.

That's the word.


"Naw, but Logan wanted to talk to you," he smiles.

I either went pale, or turned red. I don't know. Is it possible to be both at the same time?

"I've never seen someone turn so pale and then blush so violently," he smiled. He's about level with me, maybe even a little shorter, which just makes him even more adorable. He's definitely the fun one. Mark is the bad one. And Logan is the... Cool one. Hot one. Perfect one.

No. He's not perfect. He's an assassin.

And then Roy is snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Hello? Anyone home?" he was smiling, and then I know I blushed, because I could feel it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like Roy like that. That's reserved for Logan.

"Welcome back to earth," he chuckled, making me just blush harder. "Are you gonna talk to him or not?" he asks, leaning back against a tree. He deserves a really cute girlfriend.

I really can't decide what to do.

Who am I kidding.

I want to talk to Logan.

I end up following him off out of the familiar part of the forest. I almost feel like I'm being escorted to my death.


I might actually be on the way to my death.

He's an assassin.

And I'm supposedly his next target.

What am I doing?!

I'm so lost... Liking him, I'm blind! What can I do-

My thoughts are cut off because.... Well there he is. My heart flutters, and I begin struggling to put it down. He is holding his sword, looking at me curiously. The idea that he is looking at me again makes the butterflies take flight, but I again try to squish it. I can't feel like this. I can't.

He looks at his sword, then back up at me. I see his eyes harden for a moment, and fear jumps up in my heart. All of the happy feeling is gone.

I'm facing my death.

I see it in his eyes.

I try to move, even to close my eyes, but I can't. I trust him. Or, I trusted him.

An eternal second passes. And then his eyes soften. Smoothly, he puts his sword away, brushing his hair out of his face, an entirely different mood replacing what I had thought to be a look of murder.

I then realize that I had been holding my breath. I let it out, trying not to gasp for the air that I needed.

He didn't kill me.

He leans against a tree. "Olivia. How was Mark?" he says casually, and I scold myself for the usual fluttery feeling.

I need to reign that in.

He was going to kill me. I saw it. But what changed?

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